Important note: According to CIP-37 (Conflux Improvement Proposal), Conflux will use a new version of the address as base32 address (starting with a network identifier, such as CFX :), this update is compatible version update, The consensus layer of the public chain has not changed. The old and new address formats are only converted once, and the original private key and mnemonic can be logged into the Conflux wallet account normally, without any impact on personal assets.

Related link: CIP-37 (Conflux-rust V1.1.1) upgrade notification


In V0.5.1-alpha-6 and later versions of the mining application, we have optimized NAT traversal support to automatically configure port forwarding on more router models without setting public address. If your computer has a public IP address (you’ll need to call your network service provider to see if it has a public IP address), it’s easier to become a Trusted Node.

Users with public IP addresses can enable the ROUTER's UPnP or NATPmP support and keep public_address commented out, or manually configure port forwarding and public_address.Copy the code

1. Make sure your network has a public Ip address (ask your carrier)

2. Make sure your router at home supports UPnP or NATPmP

1. How to check Conflux mining port Settings (Windows 10)

1. View your own public IP address.

  • For cloud servers (AWS, Azure, Aliyun, Linode, Vultr, etc.), each server is usually assigned a public IP that can be accessed directly. You can find your own public IP on the web page.

  • For a PC, you can search for IP on Baidu. The public IP address of the PC is displayed on the web page

2. Check whether you can access the Conflux port through this IP address.

  1. Start the Conflux node. If a computer is connected to an Internet network (such as a home network) through a router, the new version of the mining program automatically maps IP addresses and ports through the router’s UPNP function. The screen will display:

The port is converted to 46406. In the following sections, use the same port number for the queried port. Otherwise, the default port number is 32323.

  1. Check whether Conflux’s port can be accessed (replace it with your public IP address).

To check TCP ports: “win”+R (start), run (run), CMD, then enter:

netstat -ano | findstr "32323"

If the program feedback shows

TCP LISTENING TCP 192.168. * * * * *. *, * * * * * other IP < > : 32323 ESTABLISHED * * * * * TCP [: :] : 32323 [: :] : 0 LISTENING ****Copy the code

Continue typing the command line:

telnet <IP> 32323

If the following dialog box is displayed, the TCP port can be accessed

  • Check UDP ports: Or in a CMD window, run the following command:

    netstat -p udp -ano | findstr “32323”

    If the program outputs

    UDP    19*.*.*.*:32323     *:*                                    4620
    UDP    19*.*.*.*:32323      *:*                                   4620
    UDP    19*.*.*.*:32323      *:*                                   5192
Copy the code

The UDP port has been accessed and can be accessed.

3. If the test fails, the port cannot be accessed.

  • For cloud servers, open port 32323 in the network related Settings on the web page. Both TCP and UDP ports need to be enabled.
    • AWS: Security group Settings for EC2 instances.
    • Azure: Network Settings for the VM.
    • Ali Cloud: Security group Settings for ECS instances.
    • Other cloud providers have similar Settings.
  • For a PC, you can apply for a private line service from the carrier to provide an exclusive public IP address.

2. How to check Conflux mining port Settings (MAC/Linux version)

1. View your own public IP address.

  • For cloud servers (AWS, Azure, Aliyun, Linode, Vultr, etc.), each server is usually assigned a public IP that can be accessed directly. You can find your own public IP on the web page.

  • For a PC, you can search for IP on Baidu. The public IP address of the PC is displayed on the web page

2. Check whether you can access the Conflux port through this IP address.

  1. Start the Conflux node.
  2. Check whether Conflux’s port can be accessed (replace it with your public IP address).
  • Checking TCP Ports

    nc -vz <IP> 32323
    Copy the code

    If the program outputs

    Connection to port 32323 [tcp/*] succeeded!

    The TCP port can be accessed

  • Checking UDP Ports

    nc -vuz <IP> 32323
    Copy the code

    If the program outputs

    Connection to port 32323 [udp/*] succeeded!

    The UDP port can be accessed

3. If the test fails, the port cannot be accessed.

  • For cloud servers, open port 32323 in the network related Settings on the web page. Both TCP and UDP ports need to be enabled.
    • AWS: Security group Settings for EC2 instances.
    • Azure: Network Settings for the VM.
    • Ali Cloud: Security group Settings for ECS instances.
    • Other cloud providers have similar Settings.
  • For PCS, you can obtain an exclusive public IP address from the carrier.

4. When can I become a TrustNode

After ensuring that the ports of Conflux are accessible, the test network shall continuously and stably run the mining program for at least 4 hours, and the Conflux Pontus network shall continuously and stably run the mining program for at least 3 days.

5. How do I prove that I have become a TrustNode

If your public IP address appears in someone else’s net_config/trusted_nodes.json file, you are successfully connected. Or visit the tool, download package, put the exe file to run directory can be run under double click, link address:

More reference

Community tutorials in the Conflux forum:

Join the Conflux trustednode trust nodes tutorial (start UPnP) : forum. The Conflux. Fun/topic / 105 / t…