First look. Find more interesting code, experience posts.

Second, write more. Try writing more yourself. Don’t be afraid of others spray you, take the first step, may not write well at the beginning, but it doesn’t matter, writing for a long time, will greatly improve their writing ability, in the process of your writing, but also constantly have to think, to their ability to improve is actually a great help.

Third, share. Share your experiences on forums, blogs and other platforms. Will attract some like-minded friends to put forward unique views and experience, to establish their own influence, sharing is learning.

I set up a programmer communication circle, the main group is 10 years old technical personnel, the technical director of a listed company, the group will answer questions for the group every day, recruitment push, click to join the circle

Technical exchange groups, groups of friends every day to share dry goods, answer questions and solve puzzles fourth to a certain level of foreign language is still a certain importance. You can’t browse a foreign forum and translate software.

The fifth more relevant circle, it is best to pay the circle, valuable information are in the small circle, pay the quality of the circle is relatively high, follow the master to learn, the speed of growth is the fastest, sometimes a problem, may be others give directions to want to understand.

We can find some QQ groups in the open source community, you can also go to the QQ group search keywords, there are many ways, some QQ groups are established by Daniu, you can go to learn, communication. Of course, many QQ groups are strictly controlled and limit the topics of communication. If you talk about something irrelevant here, you may get kicked out.