Sometimes the computer freezes up and I want to close the application, but the computer doesn’t respond at all! When the user cannot stop the application properly, we can use “force exit” to close the application we want to exit!

Here’s how to use Mac shortcuts to force an unresponsive app to exit.

Use keyboard shortcuts to forcibly exit the application

Shortcut 1

The Command + Option + Escape keyboard shortcut is handy if you have multiple unresponsive applications that need to be shut down.

1. Use the keyboard shortcut Command + Option + Escape to display the Forced Exit application window.

2. In the dialog box that is displayed, select the application and click Forcibly Exit.

3. Click Forced Exit to confirm the operation.

Shortcut 2

You can close the application immediately. Make sure the application is active and use the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + Option + Escape.

This bypasses the Force Exit Application window and closes the active application.

That’s all about Mac Tips: How to Use keyboard shortcuts to force out unresponsive Applications. For more information about macs, visit!