In the age of the knowledge economy, individuals, let alone companies, can save so much data. As businesses grow, the number and variety of documents will increase, and this important “wealth” of knowledge needs to be managed well. Both individuals and enterprises have data storage, backup and sharing needs. Considering the current storage status of enterprises and individuals, YOTTA Technology uses the YOTTA enterprise cloud disk built by YOTTA distributed storage to create exclusive knowledge think tank for enterprises and employees and realize data value.

Many employees use mobile devices to transfer documents such as work data and enterprise operation data back and forth on different desktops. Therefore, enterprises need to provide a large number of mobile devices for security authentication. As data, business data files working now occupy storage space is more and more big, the data, data files on the different storage medium transmission requires more and long time, this not only wastes a large amount of storage space of the terminal equipment, and a great deal of occupy the network resources, but also waste occupies a large number of employees the time to study.

To solve these problems, YOTTA enterprise cloud disk is used as a solution. YOTTA enterprise cloud disk uses network storage technology to quickly and easily upload and download work materials and data files anywhere in the enterprise with a network environment. In this way, the documents of the entire enterprise can be unified and centralized management, reduce the storage medium space occupied by documents, realize the enterprise office anytime and anywhere, greatly improve the work efficiency of enterprise employees, and improve the office experience of employees.

And more YOTTA enterprise cloud storage faster to build enterprise data solutions. Compared with other centralized cloud disk storage failures leading to the loss of all data of many start-up companies in the news, we have seen the necessity of storage. Although centralized cloud storage is still the dominant mode, YOTTA enterprise cloud storage is the future of data storage as more and more users and developers experiment with distributed storage systems.