You are visiting the Nuggets, hello, I am silent king 2 (nuggets editor revision ah, use comfortable, thank you).

In addition, lucky to enter the Nuggets February back end list no. 2, knock happy!

Last week when I was reading Ruan Yifeng’s “Science and Technology Week”, I found an awesome learning route, which has been marked 144K on GitHub and is very popular. It covers not only front-end and back-end learning routes, but also o&M learning routes. As a programmer, if you don’t already know this route, you’re at a disadvantage.

This learning route was originally drawn by the author for his university professor to show to students, but later opened to GitHub, hoping to help more programming enthusiasts with the help of the community.

This course also has video courses, including TCP/UDP, TCP/IP, HTTP caching, CDN, DNS, etc. Although it is in English, it is well made and the viewing experience is very good. The address is as follows:

There is also a graphical version of the tutorial, including OAuth, character encoding, SSL/SSH, design patterns, proxy servers, etc. The article is not long, with the help of translation software, you can quickly learn. The address is as follows:

The course was originally only available in English, but later lei Feng translated it into Chinese. Let’s take a look at the back end of the learning route, the main line is the Internet, operating system, programming language, version control system, relational database, cache, network security knowledge, testing, design and development principles, message brokers, containers, application servers, endless learning.

This picture is really good, one look, fell in love with, as if my goddess Li Hyo-li is standing in front of. Purple is what the author thinks is important, Do you know what HTTP is, how DNS works, how an operating system works, process management, threads and concurrency, memory management, IO management, basic use of Git, MongoDB, ACID principle of databases, indexing and how it works, OAuth, Token Validation, REST, CDN, Redis, unit testing, HTTPS, driver test development, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ, Docker, Nginx, etc., are all things a backend engineer needs to know.

The main line is Internet →HTML→CSS→JavaScript→ version control system →Web security knowledge → package management tools → building tools → front-end framework →CSS framework → testing → mobile application development → endless learning.

Operation and maintenance direction of the learning roadmap to enjoy it.

With such a clear learning route, is there no need to worry about what to learn? I believe your answer is yes. Of course, you do not have to follow the above learning route, because the author is foreign, foreign development environment and domestic or some differences.

For example, in terms of programming language, JavaScript is recommended by the author. Java is obviously more widely used in China. As for relational databases, PostgreSQL is recommended by the author, and MySQL is obviously recommended in China.

You also don’t have to worry, “so many knowledge points, I learn bald also can’t finish ah!” Yeah, no one can finish it. What you need is a route, and then choose from it based on your own situation and where you want to go in your career.

The reason WHY I recommend this learning route is not because of how detailed the learning route is or how beautifully drawn the route is. Instead, most beginners, when they get into programming, are confused about what to learn. They learn a little bit here and there, and as time goes by, they find that they don’t seem to have learned anything.

Having a learning roadmap makes all the difference. You’ll know exactly what you need to learn and what you don’t need to learn, and your learning efficiency will increase dramatically.

By the way, you can also follow the author’s way to give yourself a whole learning route. Since this learning route has a 144K star mark, it shows that everyone is very recognized and worth following.

Want to know how the author’s road map is drawn? The author revealed in the CONTRIBUTING. Md file, see figure below.

Balsamiq is a tool available for Windows and macOS. The download link is as follows:…

By the way, post the Chinese version of this learning roadmap…

You can take the opportunity to save the pictures and evaluate them to see if there is a deviation in your learning route.

At the end of this article, I recommend two awesome resources for you:

The first one: GitHub’s 1.9K open source Java ebook, I have synchronized to the open source square:


Second: JavaGuide interview Shock latest version V4.0 (GitHub star standard 98K, help numerous candidates successfully landing), download link:

JavaGuide interview shock latest version, no routine, no need to extract the password

PS: Wow, the last time I shared crazy supplementary computer basic knowledge, let me addicted to the nuggets friends like it, has 607 likes! Happy.

Ok, I am silent king two, hope this article can help you! See you next time.