When Yan Yuan died, the men wanted a lavish burial. The master said, “No.” The doorman buried them in honour. The Master said, “I treat my father with respect, but I shall not treat my son with respect. Not me also, husband two three son also.” The Analects of Confucius: Advanced chapter

A hundred blog series. This is:

V52. Xx HongMeng kernel source code analysis (static site) | 51 what also didn’t go for it

Antecedents and consequences:

  • V08. Xx HongMeng kernel source code analysis (total directory) | millions of Chinese character annotation The blog analysis
  • V09. Xx HongMeng kernel source code analysis (story) | says the kernel scheduling process with the story
  • V10. Xx HongMeng kernel source code analysis (memory master slave) | the emperor and slave how to get along with
  • V13. Xx HongMeng kernel source code analysis (source code comments) | HongMeng is bound to be successful, success is inevitable
  • V18. Xx HongMeng kernel source code analysis structure (source code) | kernel the meaning of each file
  • V52. Xx HongMeng kernel source code analysis (static) | 51 what also didn’t go for it

Domestic: weharmonyos.com | abroad: weharmony. Making. IO

Hongmeng research station is the output site of the author’s continuous research on Hongmeng since its open source. It includes three parts:

  • OpenHarmony developer Documentation: For the official repositorydocsDo static HTML site, synchronous update and the official documents to do a certain degree of indexing, easy to find information.
  • One hundred blog analysis: in the process of annotating the hongmeng kernel source code output one hundred blog content.
  • Third party documentation: gn, NINJA, GNU Assembly, FHS, etc

Static site warehouse has been opened, warehouse address is simple and convenient, welcome to deploy.

OpenHarmony developer documentation

  • During write HongMeng kernel filling and blog need to constantly find information, find the official current data display cannot meet their own needs, wasted a lot of valuable time, so can think to official document the static site is more convenient for people themselves, this is once and for all, why don’t you do for others, just 51 successful piece of time, I also wanted to go for a walk, but I didn’t go anywhere. There were a lot of problems during that period, but they were basically solved. I took a little time to update my blog, but I got a happy voice in the future.
  • I have to thank Mr. Hope, the author of this theme, for being so nice that we’re still here at 12 o ‘clock at night working things out. Thanks again!! Vuepress-theme-hope is a powerful vuepress theme for those interested.

The navigation bar

The sidebar

  • This needless to say, are anxious to open a few screens, technical people without it is really no good, who uses who knows, the sidebar three-level directory structure, south (device development), north (application development), clear and clear.

Development of guidelines

The ecological development of Hongmeng can be divided into two main directions:

  • Southward equipment development
    • Lightweight system development: LitEOS-M kernel
    • Small system development: LitEOS-A kernel
    • Standard system development: Linux kernel
  • Northbound application Development

The theme color

  • A variety of theme colors, according to your choice, the current time automatically switch mode, code farmers have to protect good eyesight, personal preference white.

Easy to search

  • This is a very important function, no search not technology, when it comes to this strongly suggest not to use a certain degree, because I have never written a blog before do not know how the search results are, now there is a comparison, to search their own articles… , I don’t know if you have this feeling, searched for a long time to see a lot of processing materials, and finally found the root node, the root node is not so easy to find. Each search engine difference is really very big, Google need not say, conditional recommendation should be used, sogou, 360 is better than it, although it is all but more miscellaneous, will interfere with your attention. Ah, after the opportunity to write a painful criticism of A degree, holding the flow of inaction, false information flying full screen. What a waste of time for so many people.

Hundreds of blogs analyze the kernel

Intensive reading of the kernel source code

Four code stores synchronous annotation kernel source code, >> view the Gitee repository

Analysis of 100 blogs. Dig deep into the core

Add comments to hongmeng kernel source code process, sort out the following article. Content based on the source code, often in life scene analogy as much as possible into the kernel knowledge of a scene, with a pictorial sense, easy to understand memory. It’s important to speak in a way that others can understand! The 100 blogs are by no means a bunch of ridiculously difficult concepts being put forward by Baidu. That’s not interesting. More hope to make the kernel become lifelike, feel more intimate. It’s hard, it’s hard, but there’s no turning back. 😛 and code bugs need to be constantly debug, there will be many mistakes and omissions in the article and annotation content, please forgive, but will be repeatedly amended, continuous update. Xx represents the number of modifications, refined, concise and comprehensive, and strive to create high-quality content.

Compile build The fundamental tools Loading operation Process management
Compile environment

The build process

Environment script

Build tools

Designed.the gn application

Ninja ninja

Two-way linked list

Bitmap management

In the stack way

The timer

Atomic operation

Time management

The ELF format

The ELF parsing

Static link


Process image

Process management

Process concept


Special process

Process recycling

Signal production

Signal consumption

Shell editor

Shell parsing

Process of communication Memory management Ins and outs Task management

The mutex

Process of communication

A semaphore

Incident control

The message queue

Memory allocation

Memory management

Memory assembly

The memory mapping

Rules of memory

Physical memory

Total directory

Scheduling the story

Main memory slave

The source code comments

Source structure

Static site

The clock task

Task scheduling

Task management

The scheduling queue

Scheduling mechanism

Thread concept

Concurrent parallel

The system calls

Task switching

The file system Hardware architecture
File concept

The file system

The index node

Mount the directory

Root file system

Character device


File handle

Pipeline file

Compilation basis

Assembly and the cords

Working mode


Anomaly over

Assembly summary

Interrupt switch

Interrupt concept

Interrupt management

HongMeng station | into a little bit every day, the original is not easy, welcome to reprint, please indicate the source.