Because before a week on pit, later because the C disk burst moved to E disk (here is in E disk, for example, terminal using git, capture pictures with the laragon terminal, don't ask why because lazy), because of the past did not get, and wasted the time of day, so I record favored in the pit of his tread upon, Also hope to help the pit partners, although their own layout is lousy (steal a lazy row ~), but enough

Environment Building (WIN10)

The Laravel framework has its own heavyweight development environment: Homestead

1, Preparations: Virtual Box(Virtual machine), Git terminal, Vagrant (local development environment) download and one-click installation (Please refer to laravel Chinese community directly)


After installing the Virtual Box, don’t worry about adding the Box and modify itAfter installing Vagrant configure environment variables: My Computer Properties Advanced System Settings environment variables Step 1 is done

2. Go to the Vagrant website and download virtualBox. box (I have placed the downloaded file in E:/larall).

> cd /e/larall
Copy the code

1 year ago: Go to a git or CMD or Laragon or SourceTree terminal

Enter the command (this step can be ignored, a long time ago to step on the pit, there are new shortcuts below, to avoid wasting time download)

Note: the download is named as a string of code, so we need to rename it (change the name of the downloaded file to

The current method can be downloaded directly

Link:… Please click to download file into the larall folder of E disk

3. Add the download box with Vagrant

> cd /e/larall
> vagrant box add 'Custom name'Virtualbox6.3.0. BoxCopy the code

Can be viewed by

> vagrant box list
Copy the code

Determines whether SSH files exist

> ll ~/.ssh
Copy the code

If you have id_rsa and files, proceed to the following steps. If you do not have id_rsa and id_Rsa. pub files, please refer to laravel

> cd /e/larall
> git clone Homestead
> cdHomestead > Git checkout v7.8.0 > bash > ExplorerCopy the code

Find the homestead. yaml file to modify the relevant parameters, the parameters are detailed (please refer to laravel Chinese community directly), the following is my personal configuration

ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 1
provider: virtualbox

authorize: ~/.ssh/

    - ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    - ~/.ssh/

    - map: E:/larall/code/larashop
      to: /home/vagrant/code/larashop

    - map: larashop.test
      to: /home/vagrant/code/larashop/public

    - homestead
    - larashop

# blackfire:
# - id: foo
# token: bar
# client-id: foo
# client-token: bar

# ports:
# - send: 50000
# to: 5000
# - send: 7777
# to: 777
# protocol: udp

Copy the code

PS: Remember to run every time you modify the Homestead.yaml file

> cd /e/larall/Homestead
> vagrant reload --provision
Copy the code

If you cannot save the hosts file, please check the permission of Win. ① Go to the etc configuration path. ② Edit the hosts file and ③ Add the domain name larashop. TestCopy the code

6. My vm and Vagrant are installed in the Larall folder. Make sure they are installed

> cdVagrant SSH /e/laralll/Homestead > Vagrant SSH /e/ Laralll /Homestead > Vagrant SSHCopy the code

Screenshots of high probability error cases

Error 1(This problem is a year ago, following the documents of Laravel Chinese community will not appear this problem) : Solution: Because the default setting of this VirtualBox system is 2.0.0 (currently my latest version points to 4.0.0) and our file is 0

  1. Open the Homestead\scripts\ Homestead. Rb file
  2. Find: config. Vm. Box_version = Settings (” version “) | | = “> = 2.0.0”
  3. To: config. Vm. Box_version = Settings (” version “) | | = “> = 0”

Error 2:

  1. Open the Homestead\scripts\ Homestead. Rb file
  2. Find: config. Vm. Box = Settings (” box “) | | = “lc/favored”
  3. To: config. Vm. Box = Settings (” box “) | | = “laravel/favored”

Windows 10 Install Homestead card on SSH Auth Method: Private key method 1: C:\Users\ your username. SSH folder exists, and there are two files id_rsa&id_rsa. pub, if not, use git to generate SSH key. Then copy id_RSA to homestead. vagrant\ Machines \ Homestead-7 \virtualbox\ as private_key and try again method 2: Solution 3: Repeat the tutorial twice

Common commands

vagrant -v          # check version
vagrant status      # check status
vagrant up          # Start the VM
vagrant ssh         # Access the VM
vagrant reload      # Restart the VM
vagrant suspend     # Suspend the VIRTUAL machine (the memory of the virtual machine is saved on the hard disk and can be quickly recovered after startup)
vagrant resume      # Restore virtual machine (corresponding to suspend)
vagrant halt        # Shut down the VM
vagrant destroy     Destroy the VIRTUAL machine
vagrant package     # Pack image (can be used anywhere in the future)

# box
vagrant box list    # mirror list
vagrant box add     # add mirror
vagrant box remove  # delete mirror
Copy the code