Here are five popular open source projects that are recommended by GitHub users these days:

1. Command line Bilibili downloader

2. A free open source advanced to-do list application

3. An open source product analysis suite

4. Multilingual Natural Language processing kit

5. An elegant screen-sliding library


BBDown: Command line Bilibili downloader

BBDown is a command line bilibilier. Bilibili Downloader, supports multiple play download, course download, download external subtitles and convert to SRT format, multithreaded download, etc.

Source address: the code

View MP4 files in current directory after downloading:


Super-productivity: Super productivity

Super Productivity is a free open source advanced to-do list application with integrated Timeboxing and time tracking.

Features: Plan and categorize your tasks using subtasks, items, and labels, and color code them as needed. Create timelines and work summaries and integrate them into the company’s time tracking system.

Help you develop healthy and efficient office habits (rest tips, anti-procrastination tips, better time planning according to personal work and rest tips)

Source address: the code


PostHog: Product analysis tool

PostHog is an open source product analysis suite designed for engineers. Being able to automatically track every event on your website or application helps you understand your users and how to improve your product to support deployment on your own infrastructure.

Source address: the code


The project brings all the tools together to give you everything you need to build a better product. Including event-based user or group analytics, product data visualization, funnels, and more, automatically capturing clicks and page views to analyze what your users are doing without manually pushing events.

Automatic event capture:


HanLP: NLP processing artifact

HanLP is a multilingual natural language processing toolkit for production environments, based on the PyTorch and TensorFlow 2.x twin engines, with the goal of spreading cutting-edge NLP technology.

HanLP has the features of perfect function, accurate accuracy, high performance, up-to-date corpus, clear architecture and customizable. Drawing on the world’s largest multilingual corpus, HanLP2.1 supports 10 joint tasks and multiple single tasks in 104 languages, including Chinese, English, Japanese, Russian, French and German. HanLP has pre-trained dozens of models on dozens of tasks and is continuously iterating on corpora and models:

Source address: the code


FSPagerView: Elegant screen-slide library

FSPagerView is an elegant library of screen sliders, mainly implemented by UICollectionView. It’s great for banners, product presentations, welcome pages, and screen ViewController sliders.

Source address: the code

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