PMTalk released a new version in February and entered the growth phase, but we didn’t have dedicated testers on our team. After each version is released, the product and operation are verified in the test environment and then released to the online environment.

However, this week we collected all kinds of problems, including the user submission operation, and the page access on the mobile terminal could not be loaded. As a result, the operation turned into a customer service, constantly solving the function use and function bug for users.

Teams without testing are likely to have this kind of problem, which is an inevitable phase after each release goes live.

In this phase, what else can be done besides resolving urgent user complaints?

The most practical method: establish demand pool management system

Collect user feedback on product problems and defects; Design priorities and manage resource allocation; Orientation can also be used by managers to calculate performance scores for each release.

What is the BUG

Before you start building a requirements pool, first understand what product bugs are and what projects need to be optimized.

For example, under the payment page, clicking on payment without successful payment is a BUG; After the payment page, there is no entry to return to the home page after the payment is successful, and the user cannot go to the next step, so it needs to optimize and add the back button

Optimization of payment page

A bug is a flaw in a system’s security policy that allows an attacker to access it without authorization

In real product development, bugs can come from product logic problems, abnormal system prompts, UI non-restoration, document ambiguity, data calculation errors and other problems.

For example, PMTalk applet has the following problems under the login registration page.

First: UI icon layout does not restore the problem

Second: users need to click “login” twice in this page to enter the small program

▲ Login registration applet

In the order system, the data displayed in the “details” field below does not match the “auction” data on the left, which is a calculation error of the system. This kind of problem also belongs to the product BUG.

▲ Background product field data error

The above problem is a BUG and is recorded in the BUG pool.

The demand pool mainly records tasks such as deficiencies and requirements of the company after the launch of the product. Meanwhile, each task has priority latitude, which consists of two parts that are to be done immediately and that may be done in the future, forming the demand pool.

▲ The significance of demand pool management

Classification of priorities

The defect of requirement pool can be explained from three perspectives. One is product function defect priority; One is business defect priority; One is the priority of technical defects

1. Priority of product functional defects:

The previous PMTalk applets login problem falls into this category. Login and registration is a mandatory function for small program users. Therefore, problems generated in this function will affect all small program users, so they have the highest priority and need to be fixed immediately on the product.

2. Priority of technical selection defects;

For example, THE early choice of PMTalk is open source system, is the choice of Java background. However, the team members were only capable of PHP, leading to the choice of refactoring. It is convenient for the later team to develop and iterate the open source system freely.

However, if the technical framework is not switched, the development time cycle will increase exponentially with iteration. Nor is it compatible with future product extensions.

3. Priority of business conflicts:

For example, whether to do the application evaluation business, in fact, there is a contradiction.

I saw this kind of evaluation agency in foreign countries in the early stage, relying on the evaluation application to attract users to browse and view. But it ignores that these platforms have accumulated user resources for more than 10 years before launching this business.

Conflict: “Should businesses that don’t make money but look like they’re growing stay?”

This is often the business conflict in the Internet team. It is not enough for the team to just record it as a problem, and it also needs to think about whether to give up the business.

Management tools for requirements pools

There are also collaborative tools for requirements management on the market, and my most common approach is to use collaborative online documentation.

Of course, if the team has agile development, it is best to use a whiteboard to record the highest priority tasks in the requirements pool for the week.

▲ Requirements Pool template

The requirements pool must require everyone, from top to bottom, inside and out, to develop the habit of updating and browsing daily.

If there are more than three product managers on the team, collaboration tools can help reduce under-achievement due to missing requirements and also help the team or organization reduce human resource waste.