Siraj Raval, a YouTube celebrity with tens of millions of views and hundreds of thousands of subscribers, is neither a fitness fashion fan nor does he stream cooking or outdoor sports.

He’s a programmer who can RAP.

Siraj, an Indian-born programmer, started an AI-learning community called “School of AI” last year, and his YouTube videos are filled with ai-related lessons.

Little Brother’s course is known for its wide range of techniques and fun content. The younger brother also started to study blockchain related technologies in 2014, so he also taught a lot of courses related to cryptography and blockchain.

Probably due to his racial talent, he not only recorded classes, but also wrote and arranged his own lyrics, recorded a number of tech-related rap songs, and made music videos and uploaded them to YouTube.

Python programmer with full marks in rap skills

First let’s enjoy the MV of little brother:

Click the play

The song, “Solve AI or Die Trying,” was shot by Siraj’s team in a bleak Warehouse in London and inspired by work. It was written while Siraj was on the verge of breaking down Trying to debug a difficult model.

This is the third rap video released by Siraj. From video production to music effect, it is already professional. It is also one of Siraj’s music videos with the best production effect.

When translating the subtitles, we try our best to achieve the rhymes and restore the song, so if there is any inaccurate place, please smile and bear to watch it.

In this song, he not only put all the terms of machine learning and neural networks into the lyrics, but also accurately expressed his crazy mentality in the “road to tuning”.

In the second part, Siraj also includes ICO and blockchain technology in the lyrics, which are particularly smooth.

Little Brother’s music style is mostly rap, but the MV style is really mixed, there are industrial style of live shooting, but also the magic of the starry night club style.

In this one, for example, the dance moves and the background are very curry y.

Where does little brother come from

Since the launch of the School of AI community, Siraj’s well-produced videos have quickly gained attention and he is now one of the top YouTube webmasters in the technology sector.

His books have been bestsellers, and Siraj has won Udacity’s attention as a co-teacher and an introductory course on deep learning.

We dug a little deeper into his background:

Siraj enrolled at Columbia University in 2009 as an undergraduate computer science major and has worked at Meetup, CBS, and Twilio as a mobile development engineer.

Later, he started his own business, founded an AI learning community, and his courses were so popular that he even composed a music video to introduce himself.

How to follow little brother

You can find him on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and join the discussion on his Slack Channel.