If you and I are in the workplace, have you ever thought about what is limiting your promotion in the workplace and what can’t be done? Today, let us talk about those things in the workplace, I hope to help you, at the same time, also hope you can participate in the discussion. Without further ado, began to enter the body.

1. Don’t take things personally

Remember when just entered the workplace, once encountered such colleagues. As I just joined the company, I was not clear about some work procedures or things, so I asked a colleague around me. For the first time, I said “Wait a minute, I am busy now, I will talk to you later”, and then there was nothing. The second time he said, “I don’t know much about this matter, please ask someone”, but I saw in the document that the first person responsible was this guy…

Sure, it’s not the responsibility or responsibility of the people around you to answer your questions, but I don’t really agree with this approach. When something doesn’t concern you, you let it go. It may save you a lot of time and trouble, but at the same time, you lose a lot of stuff.

Number one: people. If you make excuses every time someone asks you for a small favor, they won’t help you the next time. Number two: lost opportunities for growth. Take an example from my side. Once, my new colleague A asked my colleague B about A function. The colleague said he was not familiar with the place and said I had done a similar function.

Then my new colleague B came to me and briefly explained the problem and what he wanted to know. In fact, I don’t know much about this function, I just read and made relevant requirements once, but I still said I would give him the result later. Then I set out to understand the relevant features, and soon found the answer.

How do you look at this? People subconsciously for their unfamiliar problems, the first time will be thrown to others, or ask others for help, this is a normal phenomenon, often save more time. But when you help others solve their problems, you are thinking and growing. The more problems you solve, the better you will be at solving them, the more experience you will have, and the broader your perspective will become. You know, for technical people, a lot of experience is “fed” by problems.

Constantly learning new things and challenging new questions will help you grow, and as you become more competent, raises and opportunities will naturally follow.

2. When accidents or mistakes occur, don’t just throw the blame around

At work, mistakes are inevitable. Sometimes an accident is not your fault, but you are found in the first place. What do you do?

Just say I didn’t do it, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah… I remember some of the best lines from honor of Kings.

I think this is a debatable approach. This is especially true for technicians. If there is a bug on the line or an accident in the production environment, it should be solved at the first time, rather than throwing sandbags around. The earlier the solution, the smaller the impact on users, the smaller the loss.

Put yourself in the position of the leader. When there is an accident in the online environment, you will consult your subordinates to find out the problem, and they will immediately wash their hands of all responsibilities. Will you continue to use them in the future?

In the event of a mistake or accident, he will only be absolved of responsibility. Such a person is not responsible. In a small way, he is not responsible for his work and cannot take on important responsibilities. To a large extent, in the long run, such attitude will affect people around, and thus affect the atmosphere and cohesion of the team.

Encounter difficulties, dare to take responsibility, is a responsible performance, is a kind of personality charm.

Of course, I do not mean that when there is an accident or mistake, we should blindly take it down and become a man who carries the pot on his back. In my opinion, it mainly follows the following two points.

  1. Do not violate the principle of mistakes, actively help others to make up for
  2. If the interests of the team or company are damaged, help according to your ability

3. The most subtle way to get rid of someone is to make him too busy to grow.

Young people in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, especially those who work on the Internet, are struggling to live their lives and often work overtime. 996 has become a common occurrence. I went out at eight o ‘clock and came home at ten o ‘clock. I was busy all day.

Some people make millions of dollars a year, or even become cTO or CEO after a few years, while some people are still in the same place after a few years, going in circles, stagnating.

One of the biggest reasons for this is growth.

When we first enter the workplace, we often hear that young man/girl, don’t be afraid to endure hardship, work overtime, one year is worth two years of work experience. Indeed, when we just enter the workplace, it is our golden years, which is also the time to learn and grow the fastest. It doesn’t matter if I suffer more, but what I fear is working overtime all day without thinking about it.

If you are too busy to read a few good articles every day, if you are too busy to spare an hour to read a book, if you are too busy to review your work every day, you have to face this problem.

This is the most subtle way to be a loser, because you are so busy every day that you feel fulfilled, but in fact, you are not growing at all. Is there no b number in your heart, and you just don’t want to admit it?

Taking a little time to study every day is a habit. Taking time to exercise every day is also a habit. Going out at eight o ‘clock every day, coming home at ten in the evening, taking a bath and lying in bed to sleep is also a habit. But this habit is terrible, is fatal, used to busy overtime every day, used to the state of not long every day. Over time, they lose their ability to make progress.

Struggle is not hard, the body is more important than everything

As the saying goes, the body is the capital of revolution. Having a healthy body is really more important than anything else.

A few years ago, when I was in college, I often saw such news that a certain student in a certain university died of sudden death while running 800 meters during body test. Behind, work, often see such news, a certain employee of a large company, because of long-term overtime, suddenly fainted, sent to the hospital rescue invalid……

Every era, for us ordinary people, hard work is really important, without hard work, it is difficult for us to transcend class, after all, we are not born wang Sicong, do what we want to do.

People always compare, and only with better people, the result of a comparison to their own bottom, so desperately to catch up. A lot of people worked so hard that they lost their lives. I want to say: enterprising is right, everyone should have, should have, no matter what age, struggle is not young people need. But progress must be tailored, pay attention to health, do not act foolishly. To know how to protect their own body, do not take their own physical health joke.

I remembered sima Yi’s words about Zhuge Liang, “How long could Kong Ming eat less and be annoyed?” The human body has a limit, even the iron man, working 16 hours a day, will be exhausted. Machines work for a long time, but also to heat, embellish oil, let alone people.

Or that sentence, people can fight, but not desperately. Work is not a life, work is a better life. What’s the point of working if you can’t even make a living?

Here’s a little advice for you.

First: develop self-discipline habits, get up on time every day, eat breakfast on time, really, I have seen a lot of such examples in the side, often do not eat breakfast in college, then young, energetic, after a few years, work, gastrointestinal problems often appear

Second: schedule exercise. Do office people, often have a small disease, spinal cord, shoulder pain, lumbar acid, these are often occupational diseases, sit too long every day, it is not wrong.

Can give the computer to set a regular alarm clock, regular sleep, after a period of time, the activity of muscles and bones, walk up, drink water.

Also, exercise at least once or twice a week. It could be running, playing badminton, playing basketball. Sports not only improve our health, but also release our physical pressure, improve our work efficiency and improve our quality of life.

Health is 1, everything else is 0; People to struggle, but please do not desperately! Go to bed at 12 sharp tonight!

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Welcome to follow my wechat public account, Stormjun94. Currently, I am a programmer. I not only share relevant knowledge of Android development, but also share the growth process of technical people, including personal summary, workplace experience, interview experience, etc., hoping to make you take a few detours.