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In the article “Welcome to the Age of Serious Entertainment” on its official account, Poison Eye described the content security incidents encountered by the short video platform in the past six months:

On July 31, Chen Zaier, known as “Douyu Yi Jie” by her fans, posted her last post on Weibo, apologizing for her inappropriate words and deeds related to the Nanjing Massacre and pledging to “voluntarily accept revolutionary education” to correct the bad consequences. But it was too late. Less than seven hours later, Douyu announced that it would “ban Chen Zaier”, provide information to superiors and deal with the matter in accordance with the law, and “launch a patriotic education campaign for all anchors”. The “Riot Comics” team started an emergency patriotic education campaign three months ago. The video was blocked by the platform after it was accused of “malicious consumption, insulting revolutionary martyrs” and violating the Law on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs. The team then went to Huiyang, visited the Memorial Hall of General Ye Ting, visited the cemetery of General Ye Ting, and donated to the Ye Ting Memorial Park in Huiyang District, Huizhou city. Then under the leadership of CEO Ren Jian, to Longhua County, Hebei Province Dong Cunrui martyrs Cemetery to martyr Dong Cunrui flower basket, public apology. The consciousness of Station B was stronger. After being singled out for rectification again in August, Bilibili filled the company’s lobby with party history education boards for employees to see and study on a daily basis to express the company’s determination to strengthen self-restraint and reform.

Known as the “first year” of short video, 2017 is a year of explosive growth of short video industry. Not only users’ viewing habits become more mature, more content creators emerge, and various platforms, institutions and advertisers also join in. Iresearch Consulting released in January 2018 “2017 China short video Industry research Report” shows that in 2017, China’s short video market size reached 5.73 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 183.9%, the industry is expected to 2020 short video market size is expected to break through 30 billion yuan. With the rapid expansion of short video coverage, its influence on the society is also increasing. While satisfying the needs of users for watching, creation and communication, platforms should also be responsible for the supervision of videos on the platform and guide users to form correct values, which increasingly highlights the importance of video review. On the other hand, a number of Internet content governance policies have been issued in 2017, and Internet content security has been further tightened in terms of policy and legal supervision, with more stringent requirements for bad governance capabilities of content platforms. How to ensure content security has become the first priority of the development of all short video websites. No matter live broadcast platforms or video websites want to have content security incidents, they have invested a lot of energy in topic selection, guidance and content review. It is not difficult to understand that any content contrary to the “positive energy” will face the risk of regulation.

As a leading content security platform, based on 20 years of experience and intelligent technology, netease Yunesun has successfully served hundreds of content platforms, including Miaopai, Xiaokaxiu and Electric News, to help them reduce content security risks and regulatory pressure. Every day, Yi Shield intercepts more than 1 billion pieces of harmful information, including abuse, pornography, prohibition, politics and so on.

In the past two years, with the upgrading of media forms, live broadcast short videos have become the standard of many media platforms and become a honeypot of new traffic. The proportion of pictures and audio in harmful information is also increasing rapidly. Content security has become one of the important security risks of audiovisual platforms, which requires the company’s top management to pay attention from a strategic perspective.

How to quickly build a content security architecture that meets business requirements? Content security experts of netease cloud Shield put forward five suggestions: 1. Pay attention to historical data clearing: Periodically check historical data based on service characteristics. Through off-line analysis, the new variant garbage can be found and cleaned up in time, and the control scheme of the whole link can be constantly improved. 2. Advance defense: anti-cheating means of user account registration protection and login protection are linked, and harmful information publishers are found and intercepted from the source; 3. Strengthen real person authentication: according to user hierarchical management, strengthen real person authentication, improve the threshold of harmful information publishers, the whole process of content publishing can be managed and traceable; 4. Application of intelligent means: timely update or introduce third-party text, pictures, audio and video content intelligent detection technology, in order to improve content security, the first intelligent technology device; 5. Establish standard system: Product content safety involves multiple teams such as technology, policy, operation and audit, etc. Long-term development of products requires timely establishment of corresponding content safety management mechanism and emergency handling mechanism. Finally, we hope that in the second half of 2018, all short video platforms can handle content security issues well.

Netease ESHIELD provides intelligent, efficient and low-cost content security solutions for Internet enterprises. Interested friends are welcome to try them for free. Click on a free trial content security solution.

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