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Hello, I’m JackTian.

The day before yesterday, I shared an article entitled “No template for resume writing? Don’t be afraid, these open source projects will help you!” For those who are looking for a job or looking for a new job.

Usually, you have a template and you have a rough idea of how to write your resume. There are plenty of readers out there who started out by writing a resume in Word and then converting it to PDF using a third-party tool.

It is generally recommended that you use a PDF for your resume because it is not editable and can be opened in a browser without having to worry about compatibility with different operating systems like Word.

So, can you write a resume in Markdown and export it as a PDF file? The answer is: yes.

Today, Jack will recommend some online markdown resume writing websites, I believe you, markdown writing and word writing, there will be a clear contrast.

Let’s cut to the chase.

Cold bear resume Mac version: available in the public account: Jack’s IT Tour, background reply: Cold bear resume – Mac access.

Cold Bear resume is an online MarkDown resume writing tool that supports basic MarkDown grammar. You can files and PDF files with one click.

The default module mainly includes: personal information, contact information, proof of experience, proof of ability, skill list, etc.

However, when you write your resume using this tool, it will only be saved in the browser. After you have written it, you can preview it via wysiWYg in the lower right corner. Be sure to “download” it and save it locally.


An online resume layout tool that supports both Markdown and rich text. There are four default templates, customizable templates, Markdown and normal mode switching, export to PDF file and import to the platform from local, etc.

If you need to change the font to bold or color, you can simply select the content you want to change and double-click it. If you look closely, you will see that it is all generated by markdown syntax, including images, which can be added to the resume the same way markDown editor adds images.


Write resumes with markdown, a tool developed by timqian, a programmer in chongqing, China. At that time, he wrote resumes in LaTeX, but he felt that the information was a little old and the style was not what he wanted. If you can use Markdown to write and customize your resume and export it as a PDF file.

So I made a Resumd.

The main features of the tool:

  • Support to download files in Markdown, HTML, PDF format;

  • The interface theme can be customized; (GitHub theme, theme, TUI theme)

  • Easy to share and edit your resume;

  • Pure front-end application, no need to worry about data leakage;

There are three recommended tools for writing a resume based on Markdown syntax. There are also some tools for creating a resume based on markdown syntax. If you are interested, you can check them out:

  • Create a great online resume using Markdown:…

  • Markdown-resume-js (a resume that converts simple MarkDown documents to HTML and PDF) :…

  • Markdown-resume (Use Markdown to generate CSS3 and HTML5 resumes with optional PDF output.) :…


To do a good job, he must sharpen his weapon first. Through the above three recommended resume based on MarkDown online platform, I hope you can help.

Don’t worry if you don’t know markdown grammar, there are other online resume creation platforms like Jobs resume, Minimalist Resume, and so on.

Resume: Minimalist resume:

In addition, if you have any recommended platforms or other sites for creating resumes based on Markdown syntax, please leave a comment on this article.