When we think about an event, we tend to map our thoughts through mind mapping.

XMind, a powerful mind mapping and brainstorming tool, has been the go-to tool for millions of users for decades.

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For beginners, often make some inherent thinking mistakes, which will lead to low efficiency of work, over time will be more anxious, no thoughts at all. So, in practice, what are the common mistakes beginners make? Let’s talk about learning.

Mistake 1: Obsession with style

Instead of focusing on mind maps, some beginners bury themselves in comparing font sizes and branch colors. But it’s important to know that the graphic design process should come after the idea is created. It’s not just mind mapping. In the print design industry, graphics and layout are created after all the content is created.

How do I switch between styles and writing processes? While mission hopping can be rewarding, it can seriously disrupt your thought process. Studies show that even brief interruptions can lead to excessive workplace stress and lost productivity of up to 40%.

▲ Solution: Content first, separation of concerns

Content is always the key, the second is the other. XMind likes a distraction-free mind map and offers ZEN mode, where only one mind map remains on-screen.

Mistake # 2: Focusing on the “perfect” mind map

Mind maps can be large and rich in form. However, when you start to get creative, your ideas may lack quantity and quality. You might then try harder to find the perfect mind mapping idea.

However, “perfection” does not exist. Good creation comes from perfection. Perfection is not just about ideas, it’s also about form. What’s even worse about perfectionism in mental orientation is the tradeoff of form over content.

▲ Solution: Accept your first draft and work on it

It’s ok to have a mediocre first draft. Visible mind maps, no matter how bad they are, can speed up your thinking as opposed to thinking invisibly in your head.

Mistake 3: Too much clustering and disorganization

While we encourage you to create a complex and grand mind map, please don’t abuse it because your audience is affected. Details can obscure your overall structure and points. In some cases, you may not even be able to sit in front of the reader and rehearse and explain.

▲ Solution: Organize with clear visual cues

Discover your organizational skills. A quick complete check allows you to browse the map when you’re done. If you can capture the main points and structures in a few seconds, there should be no problem.

Mistake # 4: Your mind is too boring

Unlike linear contours, mind maps work better when the audience is engaged in casual presentations. When our mind maps are boring others, they need to be changed. We humans are fun-seekers and want things to be vibrant and exciting.

▲ Solution: Make your mind map more vivid

In the software, there are many convenient features to make your maps come alive. Adding giFs, color branches, stickers, and more can easily make your charts stand out. By inserting attachment files (such as audio and video) into the diagram, you can engage your audience more during the presentation.

Mistake # 5: Relying on your own mind map

Mind maps are trees with central themes, which means that mind maps have their limitations. Mind mapping is just one of many tools. If you only stick to mind maps to communicate your ideas, you severely limit your own expression.

▲ Solution: Integrate mind maps with other tools

XMind provides a variety of export formats to help users connect to other tools. Put a mind map in your Evernote as an outline or as a detailed knowledge map in your creative articles.

Mistake 6: Losing the details

When your mind gets big, you can get lost in the process of thinking, especially in the information listed, notes and infographics are more rigorous.

▲ Solution: Write down your purpose

Place themes at the top of the map for your purposes. Alternatively, write it down on some piece of paper and place it where you can easily see it. Every time you look at your target with the naked eye, your brain is reminded.

Mistake # 7: Compulsive and repetitive creation

While forcing creativity may seem like a good way to develop creative habits, it’s pointless if you repeat yourself! If you find yourself making similar mind maps for a few days, you might want to consider challenging yourself a bit. The challenge is not just a focus on visual design, but also your understanding of a particular idea or message.

▲ Solution: Copy from someone with experience

Copying from experienced people is the most effective way.

Mistake # 8: Keeping only your own mind map

Mind mapping is a great way to reflect on yourself, but limiting it to yourself limits its benefits. Complex problem solving requires the input and knowledge of different stakeholders. But be careful not to ruin your self-contemplation. Otherwise, the wisdom of crowds may become groupthink.

▲ Solutions: Group and collaborate

Researchers at the University of York have experimented with three different types of collaboration and found that working on the same map in real time doesn’t help us learn much. On the contrary, distributed collaboration can significantly improve learning efficiency.

Mistake # 9: Using mind maps only for creative topics

After reading some blogs or reports, you might feel that mind mapping is only for creative subjects. However, research has repeatedly shown that mind mapping is also useful for structured disciplines such as chemical engineering, medicine, patent law and so on. Knowledge itself is universal.

▲ Solution: Try to create mind maps for “unsuitable” subjects

List the areas that you think are completely impossible to mind map, and try to create mind maps for them.

To sum up, we need to determine our own purpose, clarify our own thinking, start from the actual content, combine the experience of others and other tools to continuously improve the initial idea, so as to complete our own mind map perfectly. What bottlenecks have you encountered in learning to use XMind? Leave a comment in the comments section and let’s talk about it

If you encounter any bottlenecks in the process of using it, please leave a comment in the comments.