Learning to use some plug-ins can improve the efficiency of development in ordinary work. Very helpful to our developers!

Plug-in installation

In IDEA, select File → Settings → Plugins in order to search for Plugins and install them. (After installing the Plugins, restart IDEA, otherwise the Plugins will not take effect.)

1. Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines

Alibaba code specification check plug-in

(1) function:

Code specification inspection

② Method of use:

On the generation you want to check, right-click and select Code Protocol Scan

The following check results will appear, along with coding specifications and hints:

2. FindBugs-IDEA

【Bug check plugin 】

(1) function:

This plugin helps us find hidden bugs, especially potential null Pointers.

You can analyze the current file, all files under the package, files under the entire Module, files under the entire project. Helps us check for hidden bugs.

② Method of use:

Right-click on or inside the file and select FingBugs

3. Key promoter

【 Shortcut key prompt plug-in 】

(1) function:

When you use the mouse over a button inside the IDE, key launcher X displays the keyboard shortcut you should have used.

② Method of use:

When you click the mouse on a function, it will remind you what the shortcut key is.

For example, if I click Debug once, the next time I click it, it will tell me that the debug shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + F10

4. Translation

【 Plug-in for translation 】

(1) function:

In normal development, sometimes for the variable name is a headache, this plug-in can help you.

② Method of use:

Select the Chinese or English version you want to Translate, click the right mouse button and choose Translate (Ctrl + Shift +Y) to Translate it without switching screens and using translation software.

Note: Another translation plugin is EcTranslation

5. Maven Helper

Plug-ins that analyze dependency conflicts

(1) function:

This plugin can be used to easily display Maven’s dependency tree, and to show conflicts, which is a great help when we comb through dependencies.

② Method of use:

Once installed, there are two tabs in the lower left corner of the POM file to open Dependency Analyzer:

You can view dependency conflicts

You can clearly view the Maven dependency tree

6. Free Mybatis plugin

Mybatis 插件 图 片

(1) function:

Generate mapper XML files

Quickly jump from code to mapper and return code from Mapper

Mybatis automatic completion and syntax error prompts

Integrated Mybatis Generator GUI interface

This plugin is super useful, you can jump from mapper interface to mybatis XML file and find the corresponding square

② Method of use:

Click the arrow to jump

7. Grep Console

Log highlighting plugin

(1) function:

When you dense a large log, to check up, it is easy to see eye; Use the plug-in for highlighting

8. Rainbow Brackets


You can match brackets with the same color and highlight the selected area code.

9. Lombok


When we create an entity, we usually generate GET/SET methods for each field, but in case we need to add or subtract fields later, we have to generate GET/SET methods again. This plug-in eliminates the need to write so much redundant GET /set code.

Note: Dependencies need to be introduced in the POM

<! Lombok uses to simplify entity classes: Lombok </groupId> <artifactId>lombok</artifactId></dependency>Copy the code

10. CodeGlance

[Code edit area thumbnail plugin]


You can quickly locate code, which is much easier to use than dragging the scrollbar

Finally, a useless plugin, haha

Nyan progress bar

Beautiful progress bar based on Idea. Turn your loading bar into rainbows and cats