
I prepared for half a month for the interview with Youzan. At that time, I also invested in Meituan, Byte, Didi and Jingdong. The only purpose was to enter dachang, but only Youzan passed the interview, and all the others died at the same time.

In the first three interviews, I felt good and thought I could secure the offer, but unexpectedly, after the fifth interview, the pace began to be wrong. HR delayed informing the result for various reasons such as HC tension. A month later, I was told that the interview had failed. It’s a pity that the interview took a whole month.

Five surface is cool

Good side (2-24)

  1. To introduce myself
  2. TCP/UDP three-way handshake, comparing TCP and UDP, how to implement reliable transmission of TCP (sequence number, confirmation, retransmission mechanism)
  3. The HTTP version
  4. HTTPs Encryption Process
  5. object-oriented
  6. Design patterns (by extension locks)
  7. Event distribution mechanism -> Scenario: vertical list RecycerView horizontal sliding ViewPager, how to handle event distribution
  8. Handler
  9. The MVP, the MVC
  10. How is the Sychronized bottom layer implemented
  11. Project – > Flutter
  12. How to read and sort large files, and then count the most common values.
  13. Screen flash back
  14. Container class introduction and problems
  15. A memory leak
  16. Data caching mode
  17. The framework
  18. ask
  19. The thread pool
  20. Dynamic and static proxies (unclear)

Two faces of Praise (3-1)

  1. Why Flutter
  2. How does Flutter communicate with native
  3. What do you think about the future of Flutter
  4. It’s Quos or Aquos. I can’t hear it. It’s no.
  5. The difference between Kotlin and Java (answer: syntactic sugar and multithreading)
  6. The thread pool is extended
  7. Multiple threads are mutually exclusive, pessimistic (Sychronized), Optimistic (CAS) locks
  8. Visibility and atomicity
  9. Volatile + instruction rearrangement
  10. What architecture do you know, MVP, MVC? How do you manage the lifecycle of MVP
  11. Have you heard about Jetpack
  12. Ask the project, peripherals and mobile phone connection is unstable?
  13. What books are you reading these days?
  14. Which design patterns are developed: singletons (thread-safe and non-thread-safe, the third thread-safe singletons are not answered, appearance patterns, observer patterns, static proxies
  15. The difference between HashMap 1.7 and 1.8, the Size limit, the initial Size.
  16. Write your own backend?
  17. Learned the front end? (Vue. Js)
  18. Algorithm: how to determine whether a linked list is a ring.
  19. ask

Three good sides (3-4)

  1. To introduce myself
  2. Flutter
  3. Look at what the interviewer asked you about Flutter, can you say something about MicroTask?
  4. When did you start Android development (mobile development)?
  5. What is the focus of Flutter and Android native mix?
  6. Why Android development?
  7. How do you study at ordinary times?
  8. Rate yourself on three labels?
  9. One of my strengths and weaknesses.
  10. Ponds, ant problems…
  11. Scenario question: How is the Token stored locally? Encryption? How many tokens are there?
  12. What is learning a technical process?
  13. Do you think your code is beautiful? If not, how did you correct it?
  14. What do you think is the most important thing about a good piece of code?
  15. What books have you read?
  16. How to work under pressure?
  17. What impressed me most about the name of a book I read?
  18. ask

Excellent four HR surface (3-5)

Is some personal aspect simple question, does not involve the project, asks to inform 3 days to have the result. But ask after 3 days, say HC is tight, wait another week.

Five Good Sides (3-19)

A week later, I asked HR about the result of the interview. HR asked if there were other procedures for the interview and how many companies would go to the on-site interview. HR said, “I can’t fully understand you from the online interview, so I hope I can also conduct the on-site interview.”

From 2-20 resume input to March 19, a whole month of time, ushered in the fifth round of interview.

  1. To introduce myself
  2. Why MQTT and why not HTTP
  3. Design an image loading library(Life cycle correlation, network request management, image caching, image sizing, etc.)
  4. ask(All the prepared questions are finished. I can't think of any questions.)

3-24 Failed the interview and entered the talent pool

Have a great summary

The interview lasted for one month and four days. The first three aspects were good. The interviewer was very professional.

After arriving at HR, the rhythm started to be wrong, HC was nervous and other reasons, so we delayed informing the result.

There is still a lot of harvest, since I am not chosen, there must be someone better than me, I still have a lot of improvement.

I want to submit my resume and prepare for the interview. After reviewing for half a month, I found an upperclassman and promoted Tencent. During that period of time, I have been looking for information on the Internet, looking at other people’s face classics and brushing the question bank. Although the process of looking for information is very hard, but at that time the in the mind hold a breath, the power is very full. Fortunately, a public account concerned at that time shared a big factory interview questions, there is also a relatively systematic Android system learning resources. I spent most of the rest of my time munching through them.

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These data actually only looked at some of the key points, to their own more confidence, decided to start a new round of combat. I didn’t expect to get the offer from Tencent so smoothly.

Tencent Interview (Silky)

Tencent side, 30 minutes

1. Introduce yourself

2. Compiler project introduction, content questions

3. What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS? Here is the principle of HTTPS encryption

4. What does virtual memory do?

5. What are the algorithms for memory scheduling?

6. What are the common sorting algorithms? What about stability?

7. Write quicktypeset

8. What does C++ private mean?

Second interview

1. Introduce yourself

2. Operating system project introduction, content questions

3. What is the difference between a process and a thread? What resources can be shared by a process? Thread?

4.HTTP response process

5. How does TCP ensure reliable transmission?

6. Congestion control

7. Flow control

8.OSI seven-layer model, which layers are HTTP, TCP and UDP?

9. What is the time slice rotation mechanism? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

10. Process scheduling

11. Taking Xinhua Dictionary as an example, how to realize ordered index storage?

12. Algorithm: A string consists of numbers and letters, and outputs the full permutation of its transformed case in lexicographical order

On three sides

1. Introduce yourself

2. What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses? What do others say about you?

3. Have you learned about design patterns?

4. What’s the use of sliding Windows?

5. Process scheduling algorithm

6. What does a memory leak mean? How does C avoid memory leaks? Have you heard of smart Pointers?

7. Two dice, each face can be engraved with a number from 0 to 9, how to represent all dates with only two dice (01-31)

HR side

1. How long will the internship last? When can we start?

2. Why do you want to intern? Are there any expectations?

3. Are you willing to take the postgraduate entrance examination?

4. Do you have other offers on hand?


Tencent is very fast. Every interview is about two or three days apart. I finished the hr interview on Monday and the next Wednesday. (as opposed to like)

The hr was a little slow after the interview and waited for about a week to get the formal offer.

Finally, thank you for arranging the data, here I put the data and their own face to share out, feedback to everyone. Hope you can also get the target offer!

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