
I have a bachelor’s degree, but I am not a computer major. In fact, I wanted to do development at the beginning after graduation. Unfortunately, I did not systematically learn the knowledge of software development, so I found a test job with a lower threshold for entry. Test interview guide

Interview question: 3 rounds of technical + HR

There were four rounds of interviews, three rounds of technical interviews and one round of HR interviews, which took more than 5 hours. I will remember the interview questions down for your reference.

One side (group side)

  • What was the size of the project and team at your last company?

  • What is the overall process of the project you are responsible for?

  • How are business tests communicated during the implementation of automation?

  • Does your company have any requirements for unit testing?

  • At your last company, you worked full-time in automation. Why are you looking for an opportunity?

  • What’s the difference between Android and iOS automation?

  • How to write UI animation script?

  • Why do you abandon recording mode scripting in favor of code scripting mode?

  • How do you solve the problem of elements not being located?

  • Random numeric keypad image recognition location how do you achieve?

  • What is the maintenance cost of your automated test scripts, how much time is spent maintaining them, and by whom?

  • How do you prepare test data for UI automated test scripts?

  • How are UI automation test script public variables managed?

  • How do you manage test cases when writing scripts in code?

  • From recording to writing, the efficiency of automated tests was increased by 50%. Can you describe how this was achieved?

  • What is your use case coverage for automated scripts? Why cover so much? How do you measure it?

  • What is your test process for interface automation?

  • When you wrote the interface automation test case, you used the requests library. Where did you use the requests library?

  • Will you do any interface development? What technology is used? The specific process?

  • How do I associate automated tests during interface automation testing? What happens when a single module is associated with multiple modules?

  • Will your project use continuous integration tools? Which scenarios in automated testing use continuous integration?

  • How do you use Docker in your project?

  • According to the interview, I think you have the ability to lead a team, have you considered to lead a team, and how about the idea of leading a team?

Second interview (Technical Expert interview)

  • For the first side of their own performance can be summarized? For example, the interviewer asked some questions which aspects are good, which aspects are bad?

  • Can you add something you didn’t think of when you answered the first interview question?

  • As a tool developer, what tools have you made, and which tools are your own ideas? Or do you just take requirements and make tools?

  • When you do the tool, can you give some examples what are the specific business pain points of business testing? How do you design to address these pain points?

  • How to assess whether the business test requirements are reasonable? Is there a better way? How does it work?

  • Requirements are reasonable and unreasonable scenarios, to give two examples respectively, when the requirements are reasonable? When is demand unreasonable? Why is that unreasonable? How do you turn it into a reasonable demand if it’s not reasonable?

  • What role did you play in tool development? What is the planning and direction of the tool? What do you want to achieve?

  • I would like to know how you solved the problem you encountered in making Appium. To have the characteristics of the problem, is through their own analysis and thinking, rather than from the Internet reference, what is the solution? Give some examples of your abilities.

  • Why switch from recorded mode to scripted mode when testing UI automation?

  • How did you solve the increased requirements for testers after moving to scripted mode?

  • When you lead someone through a transition, in what ways do you lead them?

  • What solutions were used during the transition? What are the benefits after the transition?

  • What does UI automation not do? Why is that?

  • Have you tried to find a solution to overcome the above unachievable scenario? If so, can you give me an example?

  • Can you talk about the principle and realization of image recognition?

Three faces (face of the person in charge of the test)

  • What’s the reason you’re looking at new opportunities?
  • What kind of pressure are you under at home?
  • What do you expect your overall appeal to be in your next job? What requirements do you expect it to meet that you find attractive?
  • From the first and second interviews, you should have a general idea of what our company’s testing and overall positioning is. Just to comment on what you’ve learned so far, do you think there are some aspects of your previous work experience that could be used in our company?
  • How complete was UI automation at your last company? What is the percentage of total use cases?
  • Are there any challenges in transitioning UI automation from record mode to code mode? How is it solved?
  • What do you see as the overall system of your current training when transiting business testing to UI automation testing? How do you get them to accept bit by bit that we have to learn this? How do you check what they’ve learned so far, how complete are they?
  • Your supervisor likes you, and you’ve been exposed to key positions, so why haven’t you considered a permanent position?
  • Can you describe in detail what your considerations are when doing data construction for the interface? What was the result?
  • What do you think is the difficulty in making data?
  • I’ve been talking a lot about your work on automation. What’s one of the ways you’ve learned about it?
  • Why did you make the transition from a non-computer major to a testing position?
  • What are your plans for the future? How do you see testing the future development of this type of work on the Internet?
  • Testing is divided into many types of testing, some of the client side, some of the background, do you think your current capability bias in which aspect is more prominent?
  • Which sorting algorithm do you know? You can pick one at random that you know a little bit about, and talk about the algorithmic thinking, what’s the spatial complexity and what’s the time complexity?
  • Do you know quicktype and binary search? What is the time complexity and the space complexity of their algorithmic thinking?
  • What are the data structure types?
  • Can you parse the structure of the binary tree for me?
  • Relational databases often have indexes. Why do we set indexes? What’s the cost of indexing?
  • How is the storage structure of MYSQL indexes designed?
  • What are the causes of slow queries? How do you tune slow queries?
  • Talk about the OSI seven layers model. What does each layer model do?
  • What about HTTP and HTTPS respectively?
  • What’s the difference between TCP, three-way handshake and four-way breakup, and UDP?
  • What about TCP flow control?
  • What kind of character do you think you have?
  • Have you ever encountered any difficulties or troubles because of your quick temper? Is it solved?
  • What are your plans for the future? What do you do in a stressful situation?
  • If everything goes well, when can you join us?
  • I’ve asked all the questions on your resume, is there something that you really shine at, something that the interviewers haven’t given you a chance to do after three rounds?
  • No more questions on my end. Do you have anything to add?

Four sides (HR plane)

  • Why are you willing to look at opportunities now?
  • What are you looking for in your next job? What are the main factors to look at?
  • How intense was your overtime work at your last company?
  • You were an automated test engineer at your last job. What did your main work involve? What is the proportion of different jobs?
  • Have you ever understood the position of you when you enter our company?
  • What was it like before the transition with an automated test team? What about the transition?
  • With an automated UI recording platform, they can just use it themselves. Why do they need to be trained? Why would it increase the cost of testing?
  • What do you optimize in the transition process to take them to the next level? What new knowledge are you giving them?
  • How many people did the UI automation test team start with? How many people are there after the transition?
  • How do you manage a team in your company? How many people did you bring with you?
  • Under what scenario did you lead the TRANSFORMATION of the UI automation test team?
  • What was your performance like at your last company?
  • Why do you want to take the test after graduation?
  • What is your present salary? What are your salary expectations?
  • Do you have offers from other companies at the moment? Which companies? What is the salary offered? What is the position for you? Test interview guide
  • Do you have confidence in taking the team through a difficult process when you come in as a manager? Including whether you’re interested in doing them? Do you want to move into management in your future career?