Shortcut keys to improve work efficiency, the more you master, the higher the efficiency, red, is easy to ignore the easy to use shortcut keys.

instructions Mac Windows/Linux
Maximize/minimize editors Ctrl + Cmd + F12 Ctrl + Shift + F12
Open the Settings Cmd + , Ctrl + Alt + S
Open the project structure Cmd + ; Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S
Toggle tabs and tool Windows Ctrl + Tab Ctrl + Tab
To find the Cmd + F Ctrl + F
Find the next one Cmd + G F3
Find the last one Cmd + Shift + G Shift + F3
replace Cmd + R Ctrl + R
Global search Cmd + Shift + F Ctrl + H
To find the class Cmd + O Ctrl + N
Find files Cmd + Shift + O Ctrl + Shift + N
To find the way Cmd + F12 Ctrl + F12
Mobile method Cmd + Shift + Up/Down Cmd + Shift + Up/Down
Move rows up and down Alt + Shift + Up/Down Alt + Shift + Up/Down
Show recent access Cmd + E Ctrl + E
Show recent edits Cmd + Shift + E Ctrl + Shift + E
Open in a new window (for comparison) Shift + F4 Shift + F4
Close the current TAB Cmd + W Ctrl + F4
Go to the line Cmd + L Ctrl + G

Write the code

instructions Mac Windows/Linux
The generated code Cmd + N Alt + Insert
Implementation method Ctrl + I Ctrl + I
Control statements Cmd + Option + T Ctrl + Alt + T
Remove control statement Cmd + Shift + Delete Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Delete rows Cmd + Backspace Ctrl + Y
Collapses/expands the current code block Cmd + minus/plus Ctrl + minus/plus
Copies the current row or selection Cmd + D Ctrl + D
Turn to the statement Cmd + B Ctrl + B
To achieve Cmd + Alt + B Ctrl + Alt + B
Go to the superclass method/superclass Cmd + U Ctrl + U
Comment line Cmd + / Ctrl + /
Block comments Cmd + Shift + / Ctrl + Shift + /
Select blocks of code that are continuously added Option + Up Ctrl + W
Returns the current selection to the previous state Option + Down Ctrl + Shift + W
Move to the start of the code block Option + Cmd + [ Ctrl + [
Move to the end of the code block Option + Cmd + ] Ctrl + ]
Select to the start of the code block from the current location Option + Cmd + Shift + [ Ctrl + Shift + [
Select to the end of the code block from the current location Option + Cmd + Shift + ] Ctrl + Shift + ]
Delete from current position to end of word Option + Delete Ctrl + Delete
Delete from current position to the beginning of word Option + Backspace key Ctrl + Backspace
Optimization of import Ctrl + Option + O Ctrl + Alt + O
Formatting code Cmd + Option + L Ctrl + Alt + L
Automatic shrinkage Ctrl + Option + I Ctrl + Alt + I
Indent/unindent proceed Tab/Shift + Tab Tab/Shift + Tab
Smart row merge Ctrl + Shift + J Ctrl + Shift + J
Intelligent row splitting Cmd + Enter Ctrl + Enter
To start a new line Shift + Enter Shift + Enter
Next/last highlighted error F2 / Shift + F2 F2 / Shift + F2

Build and run

instructions Mac Windows/Linux
build Cmd + F9 Ctrl + F9
Build and run Control + R Shift + F10


instructions Mac Windows/Linux
debugging Ctrl + D Shift + F9
skip F8 F8
Perform step by step F7 F7
Intelligent step by step execution Shift + F7 Shift + F7
Jump out of the Shift + F8 Shift + F8
Run to cursor position Option + F9 Alt + F9
Evaluation expression Option + F8 Alt + F8
Continue running the program Cmd + Option + R F9
Toggle breakpoint Cmd + F8 Ctrl + F8
Check the breakpoint Cmd + Shift + F8 Ctrl + Shift + F8


instructions Mac Windows/Linux
rename Shift + F6 Shift + F6
Extraction method Cmd + Option + M Ctrl + Alt + M
Extract variable Cmd + Option + V Ctrl + Alt + V
Extract fields Cmd + Option + F Ctrl + Alt + F
Extract constant Cmd + Option + C Ctrl + Alt + C
To extract the parameters Cmd + Option + P Ctrl + Alt + P