Function image stabilization

Concept: An action is delayed for a period of time, and when triggered again within this period of time, the previous timer retry timer is cleared.

function debounce (fn, time=300) {
    let timer // Cache a timer object
    return function (. args) {
        // If the timer object exists when triggered, the reset timer is cleared
         timer && clearTimeout(timer)
         timer = setTimeout(() = > {
              fn.apply(this, args) // doSomething
              timer = null
          }, time)
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Applicable scenario

  • Button submission scenario: Prevents multiple button submissions and only performs the last submission
  • Server validation scenario: Form validation requires server coordination, only a sequence of input events for the last time, and a similar function of searching for associative words

A function closure

Concept: Execute only once at a time

function throttle (fn, time=300) {
    let flag
    return function (. args) {
        if (flag) return
        flag = setTimeout(() = > {
           fn.apply(this, args) // doSomething
           flag = null
        }, time)
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