The characteristics of

  1. Efficiently build semantic templates
  2. Handlebars is basically compatible with the Mustache template.
  3. Handlebars compiles templates into JavaScript functions, which are fast to execute.

The installation

  1. Through CDN:

<script src=""></script>

Define the template

Simple expression

var template = Handlebars.compile(` < p > simple expression < / p > < p > {{firstname}} - {{lastname}} < / p > `);
var output = template({
  firstname: "xiao".lastname: "xin"
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Nested input objects

var template = Handlebars.compile(Input object ` < p > nested < / p > < p > {{person. Firstname}} - {{person. The lastname}} < / p > `);
var output = template({
  person: {
    firstname: "tong".lastname: "xue"}})Copy the code

Computing context


Omit context

var template = Handlebars.compile(Calculation context ` < p > < / p > < p > {{# with person}} {{firstname}} - {{lastname}} {{/ with}} < / p > `);
var output = template({
  person: {
    firstname: "tong".lastname: "xue"}})Copy the code


Use this instead of context

var template = Handlebars.compile(Calculation context ` < p > < / p > < p > {{# each people}} < li > < / li > {{this}} {{/ each}} < / p > < p > {{# each persons}} < li > {{this. The name}} < / li > {{/each}} 

); var output = template({ persons: [{name: 'zhang' }, { name: 'wang'}].people: [ "Yehuda Katz"."Alan Johnson"."Charles Jolley"]})Copy the code

Template annotation

<! This comment will show upas HTML-comment -->
{{! This comment will not show up inthe output}} {{! -- This comment may contain mustaches like }} --}}Copy the code

Custom assistant

// Filters are used to format content
Handlebars.registerHelper('loud'.function (aString) {
  return aString.toUpperCase()
// We can do more processing after we get the object
Handlebars.registerHelper('print_person'.function () {
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Block helper code

// High customizability
Handlebars.registerHelper("list".function (items, options) {
  const itemsAsHtml = > "<li>" + options.fn(item) + "</li>");
  return "<ul>\n" + itemsAsHtml.join("\n") + "\n</ul>";
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  1. HTML escape using {{{three into the package}}}
  2. Change context:.. / Get the parent