Anyone who knows big data knows that big data companies in the industry are always eager for big data talents. At the same time, I also know that there are a lot of big data enthusiasts want to participate in this sunrise industry.

Today, I would like to share with you a long-cherished Hadoop Big data field manual. It has a total of 10 chapters and 85 pages, with comprehensive content and emphasis on practice. It filters out a lot of useless knowledge in course arrangement and practice arrangement, and directly guides you to master the use of big data in the most direct way. It is especially suitable for beginners to quickly start and practice, so that everyone can reach the ability standard of big data engineers of domestic first-tier Internet companies in the shortest possible practice.

[Pick-up point here!!]

[Pick-up point here!!]


  • Chapter 2 Introduction to Hadoop
  • Chapter 3 Installing the Hadoop Environment
  • Chapter 4 HDFS File System
  • Chapter 5 Mapreduce computing framework
  • The sixth chapter Zookeeper
  • The seventh chapter HBase
  • Chapter 8 of the Hive
  • Chapter 9 Streaming Computing Solution -Storm
  • Chapter 10 data Mining — recommendation system

Introduction of hadoop

Hadoop is an open source distributed system infrastructure developed by the Apache Foundation. Users can develop distributed programs without understanding the underlying details of distribution, and make full use of the power of clusters for high-speed computing and storage.

HDFS File system

HDFS is a Master/Slave architecture. Due to the nature of distributed storage, a cluster has two types of nodes: NameNode and DataNode.


Zonde is referenced by a path, like a file path in Unix. Paths must be absolute, so they must begin with a slash character.


Hive does not support insert operations one by one or update operations. Data is loaded into the established table as load. Data cannot be modified once imported.

Data Mining — Recommendation system

Big data can be considered as the aggregation of many data. Data mining is to discover the value of these data, for example, the meteorological data of the past 10 years. Through data mining, it can almost predict what the weather will be like tomorrow

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Special statement: data from the network, delete.