Android (Style)

  1. Problem: Font weight cannot be bolded with values less than 700. Solution: Only font-weight:bold is valid

  2. Problem: Text set line-height equals height cannot be aligned up or down, it will offset up a bit. Solution: Flex alignment up and down

  3. Error: the “a” TAB is set to target=”_blank”, and the “H5” TAB cannot be clicked. Solution: Set target to null or _self

  4. Problem: if the href value of a tag is relative to the href value, the browser will automatically concatenate the domain name. Attribute. Href. Value retrieves the original value

  5. When tuning up the virtual keyboard, the keyboard pop-up is divided into squeeze window height pop-up, suspension pop-up. Problem: The second type will block the input box at the bottom, the first type directly uses window.resize to monitor the page height to handle some logic problems, the second type can not be solved by h5 alone, either with the support of the customer service, or the UI design for the second type

Ios (Style)

  1. Error: The iOS version below 11.0 does not have a security zone constant(safe-area-inset-top), env(safe-area-inset-top) h5 Page header overlaps with the mobile phone status bar. Solution: There is no good method, but set a fixed padding-top value, like Android

Mobile Phone Features

  1. Problem: The return key set by header is inconsistent with the gesture returned by the mobile phone (the reason is that the special processing of some pages, including the submission function, leads to the page jump, which is incompatible with the product design).

Solution: None yet