In the human body, Yin is the base and Yang is the function. Yin and Yang are mutually beneficial and grow on each other. If Yin consumes too much, Yang will have no support. Which ones lose Yin fluid? Excessive urination, diarrhea, sweating, vomiting and high fever.

Sweat is the fluid of the heart, which is born from the essence of the heart and painstaking efforts. Sweating too much, body fluid will be hurt, will directly lose heart essence, painstaking efforts, resulting in palpitations. So when we are nervous and lie, our palms sweat, which is the expression of the mind in the body.

We used to hear that athletes fell to the ground and died on the spot after the game. Western medicine said it was heart disease. The explanation of Traditional Chinese medicine was that sweat was changed by heart fluid. Many people simply think that sweat is water, sweat is detoxification, which is wrong. Sweat is blood and body fluid. If you sweat a lot regularly, it is not detoxification, but harm to the body.

** Buzhong Yiqi pill + add liquid soup **

Constipation is caused by the loss of body fluid due to great sweat, and it is ok to fill qi and Yin medicine. Supplementing qi is to strengthen lung qi, so that lung qi has more power to drop and promote stool out. Tonic Yin is to increase the fluid in the intestinal tract, so that the passage out of the stool is more lubricated. (Note that this method only treats Yin deficiency constipation, not all constipation, and should be treated with syndrome differentiation)

Yin deficiency in the eyes dry itching, dry problems, you can eat qiju rehmannia pills, this medicine is in the six taste rehmannia pills on the basis of added wolfberry and chrysanthemum, nourishing liver Yin, mingmu effect. In addition to taking medicine, rice soup is the best Yin food, especially suitable for vomiting and diarrhea or love sweating children. Rice soup, rice soup, rice soup is flat, the most easy to be absorbed by the spleen and stomach, biochemical body fluid.

Exercise is a good thing, but don’t turn it into a bad thing by exercising too much. Sweating profusely over a long period of time is particularly bad for the body, so what is the best form of exercise? Sweat a little, so brisk walking has become one of the healthiest forms of exercise around.

After Yin deficiency, Yin does not embrace Yang, Yang will soar up to burn heart Yin and lung Yin, and then there will be a lot of bad symptoms: