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Use mind maps to illustrate JS knowledge for interviews and work. This section is the first part, mainly from the basic syntax, statement, object, function four parts of the exposition, the next part will be on JS execution process, including prototype, prototype chain, scope, scope chain, execution context, object creation process, etc

First, basic grammar

The basic syntax consists of variables, types, and operators, which are explained one by one below.

1.1 variable

1.2 type

1.3 the operator

Second, the statement

Three, objects,

The object part is mainly divided into type and attribute, object type can be divided into reference type object, wrapped object, single built-in object; The global object property consists of three values and thirteen functions. The following sections are presented in mind mapping mode.

3.1 Basic Knowledge of Object

3.2 Array Basic knowledge

3.3 RegExp Basics

3.4 Date Basics

3.5 String Basics

3.6 Number

3.7 Global Object Properties (three values, thirteen functions)

Four, functions,

Related chapters illustrated JavaScript———— advanced chapter

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