
In a short while will do the resignation procedures, while this is nothing, simple to write an article, share their experience to everyone, I hope to help you.

Personal experience

  • I graduated from North China Electric Power University in 2018. After graduation, the university recruited me to work in a small and medium-sized factory, which will not be mentioned here.

  • I have been working for more than two years, during which I have been responsible for individual projects, designed in-depth technical solutions, and also worked on mindless CRUD.

  • In general, I gained a lot from this experience, which enabled me to grow from an ignorant student into a social person capable of shouldering challenges.

  • Because there is no official resignation, a lot of things are not specific, a brief summary of the harvest during this period:

1. Accumulation is important

Make it a habit from day one to accumulate notes, such as technical documents, online questions, technical solutions, online summaries, technical sharing, etc. The accumulation of these contents is especially important for improving work efficiency (not to repeat the road), promotion and interview.

2. Thinking is important. What else can I do

Make a habit of thinking about what else I can do when I’m done. Requirement implementation is very simple, then consider whether you can add a downgrade logic to make the function more robust, or consider the industry in addition to the current implementation, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each, etc., in short, as long as you want to do a lot of things can be done. Many people say they CRUD all the time, but whether you can only CRUD, or you choose CRUD, after all, you do better and no one will criticize you.

3. Take advantage of opportunities for “online problems.

I only have project experience, but what is really “valuable” in the interview is technical difficulties and solutions, and general technical difficulties are generally accompanied by “online problems”. Therefore, I take the initiative in my daily work. If there are online problems, I will check and solve them no matter whether they are my own. I will summarize and record them in my notes by focusing on “problem phenomenon, problem analysis, problem impact, solution and problem expansion”, which is my most precious asset.

The interview experience

As a cross-language Java development post, I met many first and second tier Internet companies, including Tencent, Ali, Byte, Kuaishou, Meituan, Didi, Weibo and so on. I got offers from kuaishou, Weibo, Haorui and other large and small companies, and finally decided to work for Kuaishou.

Here is a summary of my interview experience, I hope to change jobs for you to learn from.

First of all, after considering that you really want to change jobs, you can prepare for the interview review from the following points:

  • Target enterprise

  • Time node

  • Resume writing

  • Review the interview

  • Push your resume

  • For an interview

  • To get the offer

Target enterprise

If after careful consideration feel that they really want to interview for a job, it is the first thing to consider is their target enterprise is what, is to go to a large company as a screw, or to a small and medium-sized company as a panacea.

You can also choose with your domain knowledge, such as want to do video, go to Douyin, Kuaishou, video number, want to do logistics, SF express, Cainiao, JINGdong logistics, want to do entertainment content, Tencent, byte, Kuaishou, Weibo, want to do education, go to ape tutoring, homework help, good future.

Time node

Time point questions, including the interview time, exit time, etc.

The first is the interview time, you choose different points to interview, the degree of difficulty to get the offer is completely different. The difficulty and requirements of the interview are different at different time points for the same position, because it depends on the degree of vacancy and the number of HC of the position.

There are two situations in which it is easier to get an offer through an interview:

  1. When you’re desperate for someone to do a job

  2. At the end of the year, when there are more pits

Let’s first talk about the situation of the urgent recruitment, because the team recruitment is always lagging behind the demand, so many teams always have the situation of “insufficient people”, when this time due to the rush to find someone to work, so the requirements for applicants are not so high.

At the end of each year, each team needs to make plans for the coming year, so it is generally necessary to recruit more people to do more things at this time. And at the end of the year, every company is strategically stocking up on people for possible attrition in the coming year.

Therefore, to sum up, it is a good opportunity for acquaintances to contact you for an urgent vacancy in a certain position. In addition, it is relatively less difficult to change jobs at the end of the year.

If you choose to quit at the end of the year, at this time you need to consider when your company’s year-end bonus will be paid, when you quit, and then you know when you can interview and get the offer is the most cost-effective, after all, work out to make money, there is no reason to go against the money.

Resume writing

This part I recommend an article by Ruan Yifeng to you

Design your resume around the project

Tailor your skills to the needs of the organization

Three elements of a project (Project = Product + Technology + Result)

Quantify your project and give numbers

Push your resume

Assuming you have a list of companies you want to work for, your resume ready, and your interview review done, it’s time to start looking for candidates to promote your resume. Just be careful not to start by interviewing companies you want to work for. “, it is suggested to find two to three companies to try the water, such as you want to go to byte, you can first deliver baidu, Didi, Meituan, after the face is according to their own situation to make up for their own shortcomings or to deliver their own companies want to go to.

Now let’s introduce the specific internal push channel. Generally speaking, there are two good internal push methods (PS: refers to technical personnel) :

Acquaintances push, contact their classmates, alumni, former colleagues and so on in each big factory, generally speaking, the internal push quality of acquaintances will be relatively high, the probability of passing will be larger.

BOSS direct hire, there are a lot of technical leaders looking for people, generally come to you are more recently to find people demand, the quality is also very high.

For an interview

Two things to note about conducting an interview:

For week-sized companies like Byte and Kuaishou, it’s ok to schedule the interview on a weekend when they’re at work. For other companies, it’s ok to schedule the interview on a weekday evening.

Interview rhythm, do not high-frequency interview in a short time, after the interview needs to reflect, summary, a short time of high-frequency interview will make you have no time to think about summary, the quality of the interview has not been improved, the long time will make you tired, it is recommended to one to two interviews a week is appropriate.

To get the offer

After getting the offer, I mainly cooperate with the back transfer and determine the entry time, etc. The most important thing is to remember to confirm the social security payment with the previous company and the next company respectively, and do not cut off the payment.


Briefly introduced the past few years of work experience, summed up the past few months of the interview stage.

In the follow-up, I will also write an article to introduce the specific contents of interview review, such as the recommended interview content open source projects, the interview review notes of mysql, Redis, Kafka and other middleware I organized, and how to guide the interviewer to ask questions through self-introduction.

There may also be a separate article about how I switched from PHP to Java and how to switch languages. To be honest, all languages are the same, but I have never looked at your language except bytes, so I would like to introduce to you how to prepare for this aspect with my own experience.

The last

Welcome to pay attention to the public number: the future has light, receive a line of large factory Java interview questions summary + the knowledge points learning thinking guide + a 300 page PDF document Java core knowledge points summary! These are some of the things that the interviewer should ask during the interview. These include basics, Java collections, JVMS, multi-threaded concurrency, Spring principles, microservices, Netty and RPC, Kafka, diaries, design patterns, Java algorithms, databases, Zookeeper, distributed caching, data structures, and more.