ORM framework

  • ORM: Object Relational Mapping

  • Function:
    • By manipulating structure objects, to achieve the purpose of manipulating database tables.
    • Generate a database table from a structure object.
  • Advantages:
    • SQL can be complex. (Oracle — subquery — nested) ORM operates on the database without using SQL
    • Different developers write SQL statements with different execution efficiency.
  • ORM supported by go:
    • GORM: gORM Chinese document
    • XORM:

Gorm connects to databases and builds tables

Review the MySQL

  1. Confirm mysql service start: ps xua | grep mysql
  2. Connect to MySQL database:mysql -uroot -p
  3. View database:show databases;
  4. Delete database:drop database t1;
  5. Select database, view table:Use Database name Show tables;
  6. Create database:Create database name charset=utf8;

Create a table

  1. Connecting to a Database

    import (
    	_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"   // the "_" code does not use packages directly, the underlying links are used!
    // mysql: driver name of the database
    // Link database -- format: username: password @ protocol (IP:port)/ database name? xxx&yyy&
    conn, err := gorm.Open("mysql"."Root: 123456 @ TCP (")
    iferr ! =nil {
        fmt.Println("gorm.Open err:",err)
    defer conn.Close()
    Copy the code
  2. Create database tables. You cannot create a database using GORM. Use SQL statements in advance to create the database you want. AutoMigrate() creates the table. The default created table is complex. Before creating, add conn.singularTable (true) to create tables with non-plural table names.

    // Do not use plural table names
    // Create database tables with GORM.
    Copy the code
  3. To view

    mysql> desc student;
    | Field | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
    | id    | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
    | name  | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
    | age   | int(11)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
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MySQL package init method

  1. _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"When importing a package, the “_”, which means, drive the go system to automatically call init() before the main() function is called.
  2. There are two special functions in go: — lowercase, visible outside the package
    1. Main () – The entry function for the project
    2. Init () — when guiding a package, but not used in a program. Automatically called before main() is called.
      • View: cursor placed on MySQL package ‘MySQL’. Use ctrl-left mouse button. See the source code. Include the definition of the init() function at the bottom of driver.go.
      • Init () is used to register MySQL drivers.

Gorm connection pool

  1. By default, the GORM framework creates the MySQL database connection conn, which is a connection pool handle. conn, err := gorm.Open("mysql"."Root: 123456 @ TCP (")
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  2. Initializes a global variable and receives a handle

    // Create a global connection pool handle
    var GlobalConn *gorm.DB
    GlobalConn = conn
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  3. Modify the initial connection pool properties

    / / the initial number
    / / maximum number
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  4. Use the connection pool handle

    Redis connection pool: no need to use Get() method, take a connection.// Do not use plural table names
    // Create database tables with GORM.
    Copy the code

The MySQL 8 hour time zone is faulty

  • MySQL default time: EAST 8 region time. — Beijing time — eight hours short.
  • When connecting to the database, add the following properties:? parseTime=True&loc=Local
    conn, err := gorm.Open("mysql”,"root:123456@tcp(127.0. 01.:3306)/test? parseTime=True&loc=Local")
    Copy the code
  • Then execute SQL statement, GORM access MySQL using Beijing time.

Gorm manipulates database data

Gorm inserts data

// insert into student(name, age) values('zhangsan', 100)

func InsertData(a)  {
	// Create data first -- create object
	var stu Student
	stu.Name = "zhangsan"
	stu.Age = 100

	// Insert (create) data
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Precautions for use:

  • The create() function used when inserting data, and the & object must be passed when passing arguments. An error is reported if the ampersand is omitted
  • Make sure that when you insert into the database,GlobalConn.SingularTable(true)To take effect. Indicates that the plural table name is not used.

Gorm queries data

  1. Simple query method:

    • First(& User): Gets the First data in the user table

      func SearchData(a)  {
      	var stu Student
      Copy the code

      SQL: SELECT * FROM student ORDER BY id LIMIT 1; Select * from name, age; select * from age;

      GlobalConn.Select("name, age").First(&stu)
      Copy the code

    • Find(&user): Gets all data in the user table.

      var stu []Student		// Change to slice
      GlobalConn.Select("name, age").Find(&stu)   // Find() queries multiple entries
      Copy the code
    • SQL: select name, age from student;

  2. Use the WHERE clause

select name, age from student where name = 'lisi';

GlobalConn.Select("name, age").Where("name = ?"."lisi").Find(&stu)
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select name, age from student where name = 'lisi' and age = 22;

// Method 1:
GlobalConn.Select("name, age").Where("name = ?"."lisi").
			Where("age = ?".22).Find(&stu)
// Method 2:
GlobalConn.Select("name, age").Where("name = ? and age = ?"."lisi".22).Find(&stu)
Copy the code

Gorm updates data

  1. Save(): Updates by primary key. If no primary key is specified for the data, the data is not updated and the operation becomes Insert.

    func UpdateData(a)  {
        var stu Student
        stu.Name = "wangwu"
        stu.Age = 99	// No id specified -- no primary key! - insert
    Copy the code
    func UpdateData(a)  {
        var stu Student
        stu.Name = "wangwu"
        stu.Age = 77
        stu.Id = 4		// Specify id -- update operation!
    Copy the code
  2. Update(): Updates a field.

    fmt.Println(GlobalConn.Model(new(Student)).Where("name = ?"."zhaoliu").
    // Model(new(Student): specifies to update the "Student" table
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  3. Updates(): Updates multiple fields.

    fmt.Println(GlobalConn.Model(new(Student)).Where("name = ?"."lisi").
                Updates(map[string]interface{} {"name":"liuqi"."age":24}).Error)
    Copy the code

Grom deletes data

  1. Delete: Physical deletion. Actually perform Delete.

  2. Soft delete: a logical delete. Not really. Delete is not performed.

    • When you create a table, add a Delete field to the table. When you need to delete, update the “Delete field” to true
    • The value whose Delete field is null is not queried.
  • Create a table:

    // Create a global structure
    type Student struct {
          gorm.Model	// In go, anonymous members inherit! Student inheritance Model
          Name string
          Age int
    // On Model, Ctrl-b jumps to the Model class definition.
    type Model struct {
          ID        uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
          CreatedAt time.Time
          UpdatedAt time.Time
          DeletedAt *time.Time `sql:"index"`
    // The Model table is automatically maintained by mysql.
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  • Perform soft delete:

    // Use the Delete() argument to specify the name of the table where the data to be deleted resides.
    fmt.Println(GlobalConn.Where("name = ?"."lisi").Delete(new(Student)).Error)
    Copy the code
  • Validation:

    1. Select * from student; You can still see “LISi” data. But. Delete_at fields. Data is filled in.
    2. In the GORM framework, execute the query statement:
      func SearchData(a)  {
          varStu []Student globalconn. Find(&stu) fmt.println (stu)} -- query result is: [] ----"Soft delete"Success!Copy the code
  • To query soft delete data:

    Copy the code
  • Want to implement “physical delete”

    -- Delete with Unscoped(). GlobalConn.Unscoped().Where("name = ?"."lisi").Delete(new(Student))
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Gorm sets table properties

Modify table field size

// Create a global structure
type Student struct {
	Id    int
        // string -- varchar. The default size is 255. You can specify the size when creating the table.
	Name  string `gorm:"size:100; default:'xiaoming'"`
	Age   int
	Class int    `gorm:"not null"`
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Conclusion: Modifying table attributes only works when the table is first created. Or add a new field to the table, valid! Other scenarios, modify table attributes, in gorM operation, invalid!

Set a time

  • Default MySQL database has 3 types of times:

    • Date:
    • Datetime:
    • TimeStamp: indicates the timeStamp. — In GORm, only timeStamp
  • If you must use the “data type” unique to the MySQL database, use the “type” keyword to set it.

// Create a global structure
type Student struct {
	Id    int
	Name  string    `gorm:"size:100; default:'xiaoming'"`
	Age   int
	Class int       `gorm:"not null"`
	Join  time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp"`// Create table Student with timestamp type.
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