Author: JackTian

Source: Public account “Jie Ge’s IT Journey”

ID: Jake_Internet

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Bye Typora! Love this open source Markdown editor!

Hi, I’m Jack.

In the early days when I started writing articles, I used a rich text editor and typeset was very cumbersome. In retrospect, the feeling of writing a blog with a rich text editor was not very beautiful. It was not until I got into new things that I found the Markdown editor.

I learned Markdown’s common syntax and wrote an article for reference: “Why Do I need to learn Markdown? What is it for?” .

In the process, I tried many Markdown editors, such as: Md2all, MDnice, WeChat Format and so on, of course, these are web online can be used, until the use of PC Typora, gradually skilled use, just last month after the release of Typora charge, Regular Markdown users may pay to support it, but it is also possible that some users will choose another Markdown editor.

In daily work, some people may write some documents or record some questions to form a blog. I highly recommend the Markdown editor. Because it can be used in the editors of many technical community platforms, syncing articles is also more efficient.

As it happens, I recently discovered a simple and elegant open source Markdown editor, Marktext, that focuses on speed and usability for Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

The main reasons for writing this editor are:

  • The author of Mark Text loves to write and has tried many Markdown editors, but still no editor can fully satisfy his needs. He doesn’t like to be disturbed when writing unbearable errors, so Mark Text uses the virtual DOM to render the page. Has the benefits of being efficient and open source, so that anyone who likes Markdown and writing can use Mark Text;
  • Mark Text is completely free and open source and will always be open source. Markdown fans are encouraged to contribute their own code to help develop Mark Text into a popular Markdown editor.
  • There are many Markdown editors in the market, all of which have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is difficult to meet the needs of every Markdown user. However, I hope that Mark Text can meet the needs of every Markdown user as much as possible. Although the latest Mark Text is not perfect, But I will do my best;

Mark Text Features:

  • Supports live preview and a clean and simple interface for a distraction-free writing experience;
  • Support Markdown extensions, such as mathematical expressions (KaTeX), emoticons, etc.
  • Support paragraphs and inline style shortcuts to improve writing efficiency;
  • Export HTML and PDF files.
  • Support various themes, such as Cadmium Light, Dark, Graphite Light, Material Dark, One Dark, UIysses Light;
  • Support multiple modes, such as source code mode, typewriter mode, focus mode;
  • Support for pasting images directly from the clipboard;

Download and install Mark Text


You can download the latest version from GitHub’s release page or install Mark Text using Homebrew Cask, or simply install Homebrew to use Homebrew-Cask.

Release page download address:…

$ brew install --cask mark-text
Copy the code


Download the file named.exe from GitHub repository and install it.…

It is also possible to install Mark Text using Chocolatey or Winget package manager.

choco install marktext

winget install marktext
Copy the code


AppImage mode is used

# chmod +x marktext-%version%-x86_64.AppImage
# ./marktext-%version%-x86_64.AppImage
Copy the code

At this point, AppImage is not actually installed, because AppImage is a file that requires permissions to run. To integrate into the desktop environment, you can manually create a desktop file or use AppImageLauncher.

Creating desktop Files

$ curl -L -o $HOME/local/share/applications/marktext desktop # Exec from the desktop file update for your real marktext command. Specify a path if necessary. $ vim $HOME/.local/share/applications/marktext.desktop $ update-desktop-database $HOME/.local/share/applications/Copy the code

Using binary

The latest packages can be downloaded from the GitHub repository’s distribution page, and binary installation may require the installation of dependent packages.

Use Flathub

After installing the Flatpak and Flathub repositories, you can install MarkText with a single command:

# flatpak install flathub com.github.marktext.marktext
Copy the code

Run the following command to install it for the current user only:

# flatpak install --user flathub com.github.marktext.marktext
Copy the code

When running MarkText, you can execute the following commands:

# flatpak run com.github.marktext.marktext
Copy the code

To update MarkText, execute the following commands:

# flatpak update com.github.marktext.marktext
Copy the code

To update all installed Flatpaks, run the following command:

# flatpak update
Copy the code

GitHub address:…

The last

On the other hand, there are many Markdown editors out there, online, PC, and so on.

If you’ve given up Typora or haven’t found your Markdown editor yet, try Marktext.

Of course, if you have a better Markdown editor recommendation, you can also share it in the comments.