I have been using Navicat to connect to MySQL. It works well, but it is a paid software. I have been looking for a free open source software to replace it. I came across DBeaver, a java-based database tool that supports Windows, Linux, and MacOS platforms. It is very convenient to use.

Here is some information on the website

Free multi-platform database tool for developers, database administrators, analysts and all people who need to work with databases. 
Supports all popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, MS Access, Teradata, Firebird, Apache Hive, Phoenix, Presto, etc.
Copy the code

From the inside of the introduction, common databases can be supported

Download and install

You can download it directly from the website at dbeaver.io/

Configure the Aliyun Maven image

Since this involves downloading the driver, it is well known that our network connection to the Maven central repository needs proxies, so here we can configure DBeaver’s Maven image as Ali Cloud’s Maven image, which will be much faster.

1. Window — preferences

DBeaver– drive –Maven– added

Add aliyun warehouse address:Maven.aliyun.com/nexus/conte…

Move this Maven repository to the first one

Click “Apply and Close” and the configuration should take effect, but the connection you created before will need to be recreated

Configure the link

Database – New connection

Select the database you want to connect to, using MariaDB as an example

Enter the address, port, user name, password, and click “Test Link”.

The connection is successful

There is a problem here, my database is MariaDB, which is understood as a branch of MySQL, but I failed to select MariaDB to connect to the database here, and later I tried to connect with MySQL, but the connection succeeded, temporarily unknown reason.