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Since the release of nsNiuniuSkin, we have received a lot of users’ feedback. I apologize for not having time to update it until today due to my busy schedule.

The updates of this release are as follows: 1. Fixed the problem that the text on the interface of the installation package was a little blurred 2. Fixed an issue where the ICO of the thumbnail of the installation interface seen in the taskbar was not displayed 3. 4. Added event notification of selected path changes 5. Added Ctrl+F4 or event notification when the installation window is closed in the taskbar 6. Added a fake installation package 7. Adjusted the use of controls, directly using batch processing to complete the original file compression, COMPRESSION of UI resources and NSIS compilation packaging, convenient integration into automatic packaging process 8. Added real progress bar display mode implementation (non-ZIP decompression simulation) and support two progress bar display modes

NsNiuniuSkin is the most professional installation package UI control in China, perfect integration with NSIS. It is also a completely free installation package for UI controls with no restrictions. Our goal is to have someone with a little NSIS background build an installation package in a day.

Welcome to install package UI controls exchange group: 149371785

If you want to have a perfect installation package, but do not want to make their own, I undertake the NSIS installation package interface customization, price from excellent, welcome harassment!

Customized to send professional commercial NSIS scripts oh! ^_^

Here’s the original release:

Since doing software development, I have been exposed to several installation package making methods, from the original MSI installation package way, to InnoSetup, and then to NSIS; But it has always used its scripting function, and has not done some beautification on the interface.

Long ago I wanted to make an interface can be freely customized installation package tool, there has been no time, I put down. Recently, there is a business requirement to make the interface highly beautiful and easy to maintain, which prompted me to spend time to integrate and make this installation package UI control [nsniuniuskin.dll], and share it, hoping to help friends who need it.

The control characteristics of the

  1. Using Duilib and NSIS, the UI part is implemented by Duilib and the installation process is controlled by NSIS scripts
  2. Control provides a clear and rich interface, fully support a variety of application interface customization requirements
  3. Support shadow frame, support special-shaped window installation package interface customization
  4. Support image advertising round broadcast
  5. Users only need to modify the XML file of the installation package resources and the corresponding NSIS script to complete the creation of the installation package, without any other language programming interface
  6. Provide detailed documentation for users to refer to; Provides straightforward examples that users can copy and use directly

Sample screenshots

The following provides an installation package interface for a sample program:






The technology principle

In terms of technical principles, there is a lot of information about Duilib + NSIS available on the Internet, but it will not be described here.

Other instructions

In installing packages, it’s important to have a nice UI, but it’s not enough to have a nice UI. The essence of installation package is to control the installation, upgrade and uninstallation of software through NSIS script. A deep understanding of NSIS scripts is also required to create a powerful installation package.

Download address

Sample package and documentation can be downloaded at: Sample nsNiuniuSkin control

NsNiuniuSkin control documentation

For more information, visit: