
Good Testing practices-Early involvement in software testing Early involvement in software testing is a fundamental principle advocated by software testing. The principle of early intervention in the practice of testing has the main advantages of improving quality, reducing cost, speeding up progress and improving process. First, we’ll look at the performance of testing early intervention from a defect perspective.

Good testing practices – early involvement in software testing

  testEarly intervention, yesSoftware testingA basic principle advocated. The principle of early intervention in the practice of testing has the main advantages of improving quality, reducing cost, speeding up progress and improving process.

First, we’ll look at the performance of testing early intervention from a defect perspective. Defects are one of the main outputs of our testers, but they have some characteristics that illustrate the need for testing to intervene early.

1) When was the defect introduced

FIG. 1 Distribution of defect introduction at different stages

2) When was the defect discovered

Figure 2 Stages of defect discovery

3) Avalanche effect of defects

Figure 3. Avalanche effect of defects

4) Cost amplification effect of defect discovery and repair

Figure 4 cost amplification effect of defect discovery and repair

Figure 1 shows when defects are introduced, indicating that most defects are introduced in the requirements stage. Figure 2 shows that most of the defects are inThe system testPhase was discovered; Figure 3 shows that the defects in the early stage will be amplified as the development stage progresses. Figure 4 shows that finding and fixing defects expands as the development phase progresses. Therefore, from these charts and data, we can see the need for testing to intervene early. Early testing intervention, early detection of defects, and good review activities are a very good means.

Second, let’s look at the need for early intervention from a test planning perspective. We advocate early development of a test plan with the main objectives of:

1) Identify test risks early and adopt appropriate response strategies. The risks include product risks and project risks.

(1) Product risk: it can help us better allocate testsworkQuantity, selection of test techniques, determination of test sequence, and selection of defect repair priorities.

(2) Project risk: help us plan and manage testing work, such as product training or testing tool training, etc.

2) Estimate test workload as early as possible, and coordinate and communicate test resources, such as instrumentation, testers, tools, etc., based on this.

3) Arrange and build the test environment as soon as possible according to the test resources.

Third, testers start early to develop work productslearningAnd research helpsThe test caseDesign and implementation, and better carry out testing activities and complete testing tasks

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