
First, I would like to introduce my basic personal information. I graduated from 16 years of bachelor’s degree, not a computer related major. I changed my career after graduation, resigned naked after the Chinese New Year and had a rest for half a month. Interviews will begin at the end of March. Because the current online experience is still in the majority of 1~3 years, I put my resume on the target of 3~5 years of post, the investigation site is really some different, here close to 3 weeks of interview experience to share, I hope to help you.


Companies choose to

Because I think the interview is more a technical communication process, so in and chat more some bosses didn’t also the bad ideas, JD write more sincerity basically the hiring company or familiar the company will throw a resume, but the real goal is not much, preferred in 996 the company’s personal values.

Dada Jingdong Home (past)

The written test

These are basic multiple choice questions, looking at computer networks, event loops, closures, this.

One side

  1. Three handshakes and four waves
  2. What means does TCP have to ensure reliable delivery
  3. The URL flows from input to page rendering
  4. How can I prevent man-in-the-middle attacks
  5. Can DNS resolution fail? Why
  6. ES6 internal implementation of Set
  7. How to deal with traffic hijacking
  8. Algorithm: Top-K problem, divided into top-1,top-2,top-K three small questions

Second interview

  1. Cross domain
  2. Webpack plugins and loaders are implemented
  3. Vue and React talk about differences and selection considerations
  4. How does WebPack optimize compilation speed
  5. Event loop mechanism, node and browser event loop mechanism is different

On three sides

  1. What are the principles of unit test writing
  2. How does a large project allocate front-end development work
  3. Dui project

Personal assessment

On the whole, the interview focused on basic knowledge, and basically didn’t ask about projects in one or two interviews. Hr said that overtime work was normal, with two days off and a pretty good environment. I felt it was a good company.

Philosophical data (too)

The written test

Again, the basic problem, notice that there are two algorithms: the General implementation of the Currization and the two-sum problem.

One side

  1. What’s good about typescript
  2. How are RXJS data types constrained in vUE projects
  3. RXJS high order data flow definition, commonly used high order data flow operator

Two or three surface

I mean, basically no basics, just project details around my resume, with an emphasis on RXJS and typescript.

Personal assessment

NLP company, I feel that the company attaches great importance to technology, technology stack Angular + Python, strict code review, no overtime, advocate separation between work and life. Doesn’t that sound good? However, I would like to point out that the salary offered by HR is the minimum salary I expected and the lowest among all the offers I have received, with an increase of 10%. What’s more, 1K salary should be reduced during the probation period, and the social insurance fund should be paid at 10K, which is very delicate.

Fluent in English (hang)

A electric plane

  1. JWT pros and cons
  2. Selector priority
  3. Basic data types
  4. RxJS cold and hot flow difference
  5. RxJS debugging methods
  6. Nginx load balancing configuration
  7. Front-end performance optimization means
  8. React performance optimization
  9. 301 302 307 308 401 403
  10. Vue nextTick implementation principle and application scenarios
  11. Communication between VUE components
  12. Talk about XSS defense and the details of Content-security-Policy

Second interview

  1. Scenario: a balloon moves from the upper right corner to the middle and then shakes. How to achieve this
  2. Scenario problem: a height calculation about margin merging
  3. How does Mobx-React drive react rerender
  4. What life cycle does forceUpdate go through, and what about the child components?
  5. React Key Scenario question: How do I React when an index is deleted from a list?
  6. Algorithm: implement setter(obj, ‘A.B.C’,val)
  7. Advantages of RxJS over other state management schemes?

On three sides

  1. Handwriting bubble sort
  2. JWT details, applicable scenarios
  3. Cross domain
  4. Solution: How to achieve a common component solution for different front-end stack projects?

Personal assessment

I feel that it is a company with something in it. The subject of investigation is relatively hardcore and detailed. It is also the only company that suspended me, although I don’t know where. The conversation with HR was not very pleasant. When I mentioned personal resistance 996 and asked about your company’s working hours, HR replied, “Our employees are very self-motivated to work, and you are still young, take the opportunity to work harder”. I could only smile on the surface. Overtime should be serious, but the team members are still good.

Ppdai (too)

One side

  1. ES6 features
  2. Let’s talk about closures and this
  3. Postcss configuration
  4. The internal implementation of Promise
  5. Features and differences of Vuex, MOBx and Redux
  6. React lifecycle
  7. Talk about performance optimization in all aspects
  8. How does ServiceWorker ensure that offline cache resources are updated
  9. What are the benefits of virtual DOM

Then he went to another interview room with a blackboard and proceeded to ask questions on all fronts.

Second interview

Director, please erase all the project architecture diagram on the blackboard and talk about it again.

On three sides

Cross plane

  1. What problems does Vue3 Proxy solve?
  2. Vue responsive principle
  3. Similarities and differences between the publish-subscribe model and the observer model
  4. Lazy image loading implementation
  5. The CSS is vertically centered
  6. CI/CD process
  7. Talk about performance optimization

Personal assessment

I mainly work in the direction of mixed APP and Node, the growth space should be ok, the company environment is also good, the salary is also sincere, but because it is the core group, there must be a lot of overtime. In addition, because of the P2P industry, there are concerns about this also want to take a good look. Last but not least, the location is remote. It’s about four stops on the bus after you get off the subway.

Celestial soil intelligence (too)

One side

  1. React lifecycle
  2. The key role
  3. hooks
  4. Vue is different from React
  5. Canvas optimizes drawing performance
  6. Webpack performance optimization tools
  7. Event loop
  8. How to solve the problem that synchronous call code takes too much time
  9. Handwritten Promise implementation

Second interview

  1. Scenario question: How do I implement the login function
  2. Chat program

On three sides

Chat program

Personal assessment

An artificial intelligence startup seems to have landed and made a profit. The working time is 975, the HR and the interviewer are sincere, and the salary is good. If you don’t pay much attention to the front end of the platform, you can consider it, and you may be exposed to some visuality-related work. The only shortcoming is that the front end team is relatively small.

Pinduoduo (over)

One side

  1. Promise implementation Principle
  2. Communication between VUE components
  3. Performance optimization
  4. Vuex data flow process
  5. Talk about the CSS preprocessor mechanism
  6. Algorithm: Promise serial

Second interview

  1. CI/CD overall process
  2. Performance optimization
  3. Where does SSR improve performance optimization
  4. Dui project

Personal assessment

This should be familiar, pure 996. 996ICU still starts from me, I face to play, but once said, the salary is really generous, I casually said the number did not hesitate to accept, also can be provided to really lack of money or pay attention to the money of the programmer life in exchange for money an option.

Cat’s Eye Movie (Yes)

One side

  1. Communication between VUE components
  2. React and Vue update mechanisms
  3. Pros and cons of Vue3 Proxy
  4. Performance optimization
  5. The symbol used
  6. Deep copy
  7. Dui project

Second interview

  1. DNS Resolution Process
  2. Dui project

Personal assessment

Regular company, overtime belongs to the normal scope of the Internet, Shanghai this piece because in charge of concert ticket relatively emergency overtime will be more, the salary is normal.

Miha swims (past)

One side

  1. Cross domain
  2. Performance optimization
  3. Vue and React selection and comparison
  4. SSR pros and cons
  5. Bessel curve
  6. Dui project

Personal assessment

Only one side. Maybe my previous work just meets the needs of this project group. I like a company very much. The founder’s philosophy and style are quite good to my taste. Besides, the working environment is also good. Generating power for love is not easy, and while money is not the main issue, the main thing is to feel underappreciated.

Bilibili (a)

One side

  1. Advantages and disadvantages of Vue3 Proxy
  2. ES6 features
  3. Communication between Vue components
  4. Performance optimization
  5. SSR performance optimization, node middle layer details processing
  6. Ask the project

Second interview

This aspect is quite special, which is different from previous interviews. It is the aspect of Mr. Zhihao that Zhihu has paid attention to for a long time.

The previous interview was probably dominated by me, with the interviewer listening a lot and asking a few questions. I felt that Mr. Zhihao said more than ME. For each point I asked, I would make more extended explanations based on my answers, without limiting myself to specific technical solutions or detailed codes. It’s more about the methodology or the way a good developer approaches problems at a higher level of thinking than coding. I gained a lot and talked about many things that I had not considered in my previous work. This is the big guy’s world.

Personal assessment

I love it from all sides. When I was in college, I was a MADer, which was fun to do. It can be simply understood as animation clip video, in which I probably had access to some knowledge of Motion graphics. The motion effects of front-end can be regarded as the simplest motion graphics. At the same time, expression knowledge will be involved in AE, the syntax of this thing is also based on JS. Through this hobby, I realized that the direction of front-end work naturally changed, so it can be said that STATION B has influenced my career direction, and I still have special feelings for station B. Although recently with the development of ACG community into a community with all kinds of content, the wind review also has various voices, but I will not give up until coming to see. Then in addition to feelings, working content, working hours, the environment, treatment is in line with my expectations, the main in the architecture, dalao have zhihu wrote to share articles, based on SSR, vue do absolutely belongs to the level of trend-spotting all sorts of things can toss, follow the son of teachers do pay less I’m willing to, the key is to pay is not little also, So I took the offer. Bye, everybody. I’m off to the Newt.

Reading (in an interview)

One side

  1. How do I write loaders and plugins
  2. Performance optimization
  3. Webpack hot update principle
  4. The VUE communicates with the React component
  5. Talk about the eleme framework source code
  6. Talk about the project
  7. Personal interests and Hobbies

Personal assessment

Reading is also I have been very like the company, Zhang Xinxu Dalao in the early CSS when I read a lot of his articles learned a lot, and then do not work overtime, special attention to the interests of recruitment hobbies this point, the feeling is still quite attach importance to the life of employees, not only a coding machine. The interview is strange, the first and second interviews are not continuous, the second interview is offered to next week, according to the first interview officer said that the screening is strict…

Thoughtworks (In the interview)

First write a set of pen test questions, involving a development needs. Give 3 days time, relatively simple, the company requirements do not penetrate the problem. It mainly involves the knowledge of unit testing and reactive layout, modal and popover components. Then after passing the written test, we will make an appointment to the site. The general process is to add some new requirements to the written test questions, and the site and the interviewer will pair program. The feedback on this side is late. I didn’t receive the on-site interview until about a week after I finished the written test, and the appointment was made at a later time, but I haven’t had the interview yet.

Personal assessment

The company is famous for not working overtime, and the salary may be relatively low. Depending on my personal choice, I think it is actually quite a good company. There is a strict development process in the company, and the interview is relatively difficult, so I am sure I can learn a lot.


Then I made an appointment for an interview with Toutiao and Ant, but my priority was not very high, because I am a firm supporter of 996ICU. Recently, the incident of “Fu Bao Baba” happened, which made the ants less interested. Of course, toutiao and Ant are both technically strong companies, and there are many excellent people in them. If I can be admitted, it will certainly be of great benefit to the development of personal technology. However, for me, my values are still not in line with me. Even if I am admitted by luck, I will not be happy at work. I have already got the offer I like, and I have planned to go to Japan for a visit next week (Persona Super Live every two years, I am a brainless fan of P series), and I have to prepare for various affairs in Japan. Therefore, for these companies who have not finished the interview, I will make up for it later if I am free, otherwise I will forget it.


Overall, there is a strong feeling that the project experience is more important than the foundation for the 3-year front end. I don’t really ask much about algorithms and fundamentals, but the main items I put on my resume are almost mandatory, and a lot of knowledge will revolve around them. For example, in my previous job, I dealt with a lot of performance optimization issues, and every company would ask about performance optimization. And if your project is a perfect match for the interviewer, you get a lot of points. For example, the interviewers of Mihayou and Pinduoduo made it clear that the project you did before was very suitable for our needs. Of course, there are also some companies that focus more on the basics and algorithms, such as fluent English, toutiao, so this knowledge should not be left behind.

Then there is a point or the way, even with 3 years working experience, record of formal schooling is still one of the more important point, at least your resume is certainly useful, I shed 985 professional oral confession, the comparison of investment system, actively seek no push, boss hired straight and pull hook, v2ex drop, also is only you and hungry again brush the resume, So in reading the classmate as far as possible to choose a good school is also very important, do not believe that what programmers do not need a degree, non 985 had better read a 985 of the grind to promote degree, 985 this is to see the individual choice, of course, passed the resume on each by ability.

Finally is the demand for the front-end and treatment of the company, feeling cold and no imagination of so serious, companies are lack of the front, there are a number of the company’s hr or headhunter and I said for nearly a month or two of front didn’t recruit, so I think good good study, find a proper job must be easy. Treatment is normal, each company has its own rating, in addition to some 996 companies to exaggerate, or WLB companies slightly lower, most companies can give 30% increase.

The above is the gold 3 silver 4 I on the magic of the front of the situation of an observation, I hope you can find the right work ~