
Precipitation, share, grow, let yourself and others can gain something! 😄

One, soon, already doing!

Curly Kings, has the New Year begun?!

New Year holiday, poke nucleic acid 3 times, went to three places, experienced three kinds of happiness. However, the holiday refill is about to end, AND I am back to my comfortable computer desk, and this comfort comes from the wide, large, thick solid wood computer desk I placed on my bookshelf, monitor, stereo, furnishings, writing board and sitting in the office chair and at hand for content creation MacBook Pro 💻

So the New Year will begin to roll up from here, but this kind of roll, is a roll of those unwritten and unlearned new technology, is a roll of the field of untried ground to make new frontiers, is a roll of the blind field of vision to expand the awareness.

Like in the small fu Ge launched actual combat distributed project learning, join the planet: code agricultural association of readers, always constantly in their respective technical route to toss forward learning, toward another workplace, another position, another treatment head on impact. I believe that as long as you study hard and prepare for war, you will have a harvest of gold, silver and silver. I also hereby want to share the study of these Kings and give some motivation and reference to the partners on this road.

Two, they, roll what?

They are in volume: Lottery Distributed Lottery Seckill System – a four-tier architectural practice based on domain-driven design

In fact, some knowledge is not so difficult, but because it is not accessible, so when you hear such technical words or technical solutions in the interview, defense and reporting, you will feel that you have never heard of them, and it seems very difficult because you have not used them. But it’s more difficult because you’re not in that community and you don’t have the technical ground to grow in.

Especially some small companies or traditional enterprises code farmers, want to enter the Internet class of large factories is, like asking you: Have you used RPC, what is the function of MQ here, how to design your idempotence, have you used split database and table, how to switch data sources, how to query data after the split database and table, what canal is used for, etc., a series of scenario scheme questions that you may feel unfamiliar with. But these problems are basically very common content in Internet development, as long as I have participated in a project development of these technical implementation will be mastered.

So these partners then follow the small Fu Ge volume actual combat project, through such a large project to run through the entire Internet required technical knowledge system, so as to follow the core technology line in learning to improve their own technology stack knowledge. Also from the DDD, design patterns, data structures, algorithm logic and other applications in the project, see how these stretch a programmer to senior development and architect direction of how to do design and write code.

A brief overview of the project is as follows: – You may have learned not only about project development, but also about architectural drawing in a lottery system

Three, they, how roll!

Since got on the car, that certainly wants to take everybody to roll together, after all I also roll king chief!

The whole practical project, including: dACHan specification, function realization, operation background, scene application and system operation and maintenance, covers 5 chapters and 36 courses, through video explanation, small volumes of documents, progressive branch development and submission of punch cards. The top three are as follows:

  • Punching time: January 1st – January 31st
  • Punching instructions: Punching in 21 days, 70% of the learning content is completed, need to use STAR rules to describe the learning process, summarize the learning situation and record learning notes and drawings.
  • Good readers:A sunny day,orcl,8 glasses of water a day,Force,Time grows,About pigs,Return,,Porridge porridge,Don't walk the heart,lalaquanEtc. 1700+ plus participating project members

👣 next, enjoy the next volume of Kings through the footprints!

1. 1. Smart refrigerator

  • Nickname: Sunny Days
  • Rank: 1
  • Tag: Drawing monster, hand lift code, liver emperor
  • Comments: sunny day learning punch card very serious, learning content complete, drawing clear, PS: a midnight total submitted homework at 23 o ‘clock volume king!

2. Rank: 2

  • Nickname: the former
  • Rank: 2
  • Tags: Quick hand, Curly King, thought more
  • Comments: like in-depth study, from each finishing content can see his learning thinking and harvest, is also a like midnight submit homework guy.

3. Age: 43

  • Nickname: Eight glasses of water a day
  • Rank: 3
  • Label: Ruthless, intelligent, thoughtful
  • Comments: there are difficulties to go up, there is no difficulty to make difficulties also want to go up, from the study can see for a toss about the technical point of the vigor, continuous in-depth excavation, may not come out for a while, but after coming out, must do clearly.

There are many excellent clocking learning content of partners, follow everyone’s steps, there is a learning atmosphere circle, can let you make better progress.

Project Learning Issue

Four, prepare for war, gold three silver four

Don't let the interview stop you from asking the questions you already know!

In fact, many R & D partners will break through their own technical bottlenecks little by little, and then grow to the next stage, and some of these technical bottlenecks are not too difficult, but you lack a learning circle. PS: Spend some money on yourself, make a worthwhile investment, and buy less skin

1. Join the learning

Learning links:…

2. What you can learn

This is a real scene practice technology stack integration development actual demand of project, because is bound to complete the requirements and the introduction of the use of the technology stack, also due to solve the problem of the Internet in the scene at the end of the C three tenors, and using the corresponding technical implementation solution with different category, we can also interpret such a solution for the DDD of development business model. In the process of design and development, architecture design, technical application and scene implementation will be involved. Each piece of content will have a lot of practical knowledge, which can let readers learn a lot of things, such as:

  • How distributed system architecture is developed (RPC,MQ,Distributed task,Depots table)
  • The combination of DDD four – tier architecture design and design pattern
  • Code development specification, requirement review, operation and maintenance monitoring for Internet giants
  • Docker operation and maintenance practice, environment, deployment, configuration, monitoring, logging, etc

3. For whom to learn

  • Developers with Java programming background want to improve their technical skills
  • Hope to improve coding thinking and eliminate the bad taste in the code
  • Willing to become an architect, but still at a bottleneck
  • Want to join the big factory to do code farming, but the total feeling can not find the way

Five, as above, such as tiger Tim billion

In the technology learning growth of the road, with peers, such as tiger Tim billion!

In fact, not only you reading the article, but also small Fu Ge, need to break through the bottleneck of each stage of the circle. For example, I also like to mix in the architecture team very much. Listening to the technical discussion and ideological collision of the leaders always gives me a lot of experience value, and I also learn a lot from the leaders.

But at no time should you narrow your path. Just because you think you have a 123 in your hand, you attack another 456, who knows he has a 789. Therefore, we need to keep a good empty cup mentality and constantly receive more opinions to improve our ideas. Every time these contents are absorbed, they can always be applied to new projects, technologies and explorations, and they can also make us grow up little by little.

Come on! On the way forward, you can always meet the same as you!