Hello everyone, today I will comb out the basic grammar content of Go language and share it with you. Thanks for your advice.

This “Go Language Basic Grammar Content” is divided into three chapters, this paper is the first chapter

  • Golang Foundation (1)
  • Golang Foundation (2)
  • Golang Foundation (3)

Contents of this chapter

  • Go keyword
  • The sample Demo
  • Declaration, assignment
  • Reference types
  • slice
  • map

Go keyword

Go language has a total of 25 keywords, the basic syntax section will introduce the use of all keywords.

break      default       func     interface   select
case       defer         go       map         struct
chan       else          goto     package     switch
const      fallthrough   if       range       type
continue   for           import   return      var
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List of predefined names

// Built-in constants
true false iota nil// Built-in type
int int8 int16 int32 int64
uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr
float32 float64 complex128 complex64
bool byte rune string error
// Built-in function
make len cap new append copy close delete
complex real imag
panic recover
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The built-in functions section will be covered in subsequent sections.

The sample Demo

The above Go language sample code is mainly composed of three parts:

The first part imports the package name, the default is main;

The second part import standard library;

In the go language, if the code needs to run, it must have a main function as an entry point.

Traditionally, Go programmers recommend camelback naming, with case separation preferred to underscore separation when names consist of several words.


Package refers to the package that belongs to. In go, the directory structure is called package. If there is a main() function in the code, the current package must be main.

package main
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Import standard or third-party libraries

import "fmt" // Single is supportedimport (     // Support multiple
    alias "other/xxxx" // Support library alias Settings
    _ "other/xxxs" // Support libraries load libraries by default
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Declaration, assignment

Go has four main types of declarations: var, const, type, and func, which correspond to declarations of variables, constants, types, and function entity objects, respectively.

When using multiple assignments, if you want to ignore a value, you can use anonymous variables that are represented by an underscore _.

Anonymous variables take up no namespace and no memory is allocated, so there are no duplicate declarations between anonymous variables.


The var declaration statement creates a variable of a particular type, appends it to a name, and sets its initial value.

General syntax for variable declarations:

// var Variable name type = expression
var name string = "The Gunslinger of Hat Hill."
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Numeric variables have a zero value of 0, Boolean variables have a zero value of false, string variables have a zero value of empty string, and interface or reference variables (including slice, pointer, map, chan, and function) have a zero value of nil

You can also declare a set of variables together in a declaration statement, or declare and initialize a set of variables with a set of initialization expressions.

var i, j, k int                 // int, int, int
var b, f, s = true.2.3."four" // bool, float64, string
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A set of variables can also be initialized by calling a function with multiple return values returned by the function

var f, err = os.Open(name) // os.Open returns a file and an error
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Variable declarations in Go must be separated by Spaces

var age int
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Define string array syntax

var strArrar1 []string // The declaration type is string array
var strArrar2 []string{"a"."b"} // Initialize the value
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The value of a constant expression is evaluated at compile time, not run time. The underlying type of each constant is the base type: Boolean, String, or number. The value of a constant cannot be modified, which protects it from accidental or malicious modification at run time.

/ / declare
const num = 10
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A newly named type is used to separate types of different concepts so that they are not compatible even if the underlying type is the same

// type Indicates the underlying type of the type name
type Num float64
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Type declaration statements generally occur at the package level, so if the first character of a newly created type name is uppercase, it can be used outside the package.


A function declaration includes the function name, formal parameter list, return value list (optionally omitted), and function body.

func name(param) (result) { 
    // body 
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Function takes parameters and returns a value of type float64

func hypot(x, y float64) float64 {
  return math.Sqrt(x*x + y*y)
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Defer usage

Defer is called late and is usually used to execute last in a function

func example(a) {
    defer func(a) {
        fmt.Println("Last execution")
    fmt.Println("Execute first")}Copy the code

Reference types

  • slice
  • map
  • channel



Slice represents a variable-length sequence in which each element has the same type. A slice type is written as []T, where T stands for the type of the slice element; Slice’s syntax is similar to that of an array, except that there is no fixed length.

Arrays and Slice are closely related. A slice is a lightweight data structure that provides access to subsequence (or all) elements of an array, and the underlying slice does reference an array object. A slice consists of three parts: pointer, length, and volume. Pointers to the address of the underlying array element corresponding to the first slice element. Note that the first slice element is not necessarily the first element in the array. Length corresponds to the number of elements in slice; The length cannot exceed the capacity, which is typically from the start of slice to the end of the underlying data. The built-in len and CAP functions return the length and size of slice, respectively.

Underlying data can be shared between multiple slices, and portions of the array referenced may overlap.

The slice value contains a pointer to the first slice element, so passing slice to a function allows the elements of the underlying array to be modified inside the function. In other words, copying a slice simply creates a new Slice alias for the underlying array.

Unlike arrays, slices cannot be compared, so we cannot use the == operator to determine whether two slices contain all equal elements.

A zero-valued slice equals nil. A nil slice has no underlying array. A nil slice has a length and capacity of 0, but there are non-nil slices that have a length and capacity of 0, such as []int{} or make([]int, 3)[3:]. As with any nil value, we can use a []int(nil) conversion expression to generate a nil value of the corresponding type slice.


Use the built-in make function to create a slice that specifies the element type, length, and capacity. The capacity part can be omitted, in which case the capacity will be equal to the length.

make([]T, len) // omit the capacity
make([]T, len.cap) / / capacity
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You can append multiple elements and even a slice using the built-in Append function

var x []int
x = append(x, 1)
x = append(x, 2.3)
x = append(x, 4.5.6)
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A hash table is an ingenious and useful data structure. It is an unordered collection of key/value key-value pairs, where all keys are different, and corresponding values can then be retrieved, updated, or deleted in constant time complexity with a given key.

In Go, a map is a reference to a hash table. The map type can be written as map[K]V, where K and V correspond to key and value respectively. All keys in a map have the same type, and all values have the same type. However, keys and values can be of different data types. The key corresponding to K must be a data type that supports the == comparison operator. Therefore, map can test whether the key is equal to determine whether it already exists.

The zero value of the map type is nil, that is, no hash table is referenced.


Create a map using the built-in make function

ages := make(map[string]int)  
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You can create a map using the syntax of a map literal and assign a key/value

ages := map[string]int{"age1": 18."age2": 19}
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The other creates an empty Map expression

ages := map[string]int{}
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Elements in a Map are accessed by key subscript syntax

ages["age1"] = 18
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Elements can be deleted using the built-in delete function

delete(ages, "age1")  // It does not matter if some elements are not in the map, 0 is returned on failure.
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To iterate over all key/value pairs in a map, use a range-style for loop

for name, age := range ages {
    fmt.Printf("%s\t%d\n", name, age)
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Address fetching of map elements is prohibited because the map may reallocate more memory space as the number of elements increases, which may invalidate the previous address.

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