Basic introduction

Imagine a scenario where you have a project on Github and you feel very popular and optimistic about the star status. How can you show it in real time?

Starcharts exists for this purpose. The display effect can be seen in the figure below, which temporarily shows the changes of STAR.

In addition, in the readme. md file, you can directly reference the following.svg file to make your project more stylish.

## Stargazers over time

[! [Stargazers over time] (]
Copy the code

Experience address:…

Construct a private project

To switch to your project, please construct your address as follows:{owner}/{repo}
Copy the code

Owner is your Github account name and repo is your Github repository name.


  • Because of the implementation, if you encounterstarThe number of projects will take slightly longer to generate the image.
  • Source code: StarCharts