Akik Look at that coder

Public account: Look at that code farmer

The last installment introduced the Flow control of Go language learning | Go Theme month

  • Definition of process control
  • Use if statements
  • Use the for statement
  • Use the switch statement
  • Use the defer statement
  • Use the break statement
  • Use the continue statement

This article will continue to take you into the world of Go.

1. Introduction to this paper

Go language learning power link – inverse Polish expression

Source: Leetcode150. Inverse Polish expression evaluation


Evaluate the expression according to the inverse Polish notation.

Valid operators include +, -, *, and /. Each operand can be an integer or another inverse Polish expression.


Integer division preserves only integer parts. Given the inverse Polish expression is always valid. In other words, the expression always yields a valid value and never has a divisor of 0.

Example 1:

Input: tokens = ["2"."1"."+"."3"."*"] output:9Explanation: This expression is converted to the common infix arithmetic expression: (2 + 1) * 3) = 9
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Example 2:

Input: tokens = ["4"."13"."5"."/"."+"] output:6Explanation: This expression is converted to the common infix arithmetic expression: (4 + (13 / 5=))6
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Example 3:

Input: tokens = ["10"."6"."9"."3"."+"."11"."*"."/"."*"."17"."+"."5"."+"] output:22Explanation: This expression is converted to the common infix arithmetic expression: ((10 * (6 / ((9 + 3) * -11))) + 17) + 5
= ((10 * (6 / (12 * -11))) + 17) + 5
= ((10 * (6 / -132)) + 17) + 5
= ((10 * 0) + 17) + 5
= (0 + 17) + 5
= 17 + 5
= 22
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3. Ideas and methods:

For this problem we can think of stack way to solve.

  • By traversing the number group;
  • When the array traverses a number, the number is pushed onto the stack.
  • When the operation symbol is encountered, the two numbers on the top of the stack are taken out for calculation, and the calculation result is pushed into the stack again.
  • And so on until the array is iterated;
  • The last element in the output stack is the final answer.

Also notice the details of the problem, integer division only preserves integer parts.

4. Diagram force buckle:

From the above analysis, we use graphic method combined with the case to intuitively analyze the problem

For example: Enter tokens = [“2″,”1″,”+”,”3″,”*”]

When I =0, the array character iterated over is the number 2, and the number 2 is pushed onto the stack.

If I =1, the array character iterated over is the number 1, push the number 1 onto the stack.

When I =2, the array character iterated over is an operation symbol/, then take out the top two elements of the stack for divisible operation.

2/1 = 2

Push the result 2 of the top two elements onto the stack

When I =3, the array character iterated over is the number 3, pushing the number 3 onto the stack.

When I =4, the array characters iterated over are operation symbols*At this point, the two elements at the top of the stack are taken out for multiplication.

2 * 3 = 6

Push the result 6 of the top two elements onto the stack.

Array traversal is completed, the final output stack element is the result

5. The specific implementation code is as follows:

package main

import (

func evalRPN(tokens [5]string) int {
   stack := []int{}

   for _, token := range tokens {
      if num, err := strconv.Atoi(token); err == nil {
         stack = append(stack, num)
      } else {
         n2 := stack[len(stack)-1]
         n1 := stack[len(stack)-2]
         stack = stack[0 : len(stack)-2]

         switch token {
         case "+":
            stack = append(stack, n1+n2)
         case "-":
            stack = append(stack, n1-n2)
         case "*":
            stack = append(stack, n1*n2)
         case "/":
            stack = append(stack, n1/n2)
   return stack[0]

func main(){

   var str=[5]string{"2"."1"."+"."3"."*"}
   fmt.Printf("The inverse Polish expression results as follows: %v",evalRPN(str))

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The output is:

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