The share mode is mainly used to reuse objects and save memory. There are two prerequisites for using the share mode:

  1. A meta-object is immutable: after a meta-schema is created, its variables and properties do not change

  2. A large number of duplicate objects exist in the system: These duplicate objects can use the same share and only have one copy in the memory, which saves a lot of space. Of course, this is also why the meta-object is immutable, because there are many references and changes can cause problems.

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Definition 1.

1.1 Share Mode

Share pattern: Use sharing technology to efficiently support a large number of fine-grained objects.


1.2 analysis

The sharing mode is to abstract out the common and invariable objects in the system to achieve the effect of sharing.

The abstract object interface is Flyweight, and the ConcreteFlyweight is the actual shared object. UnsharedConcreteFlyweight exists, mainly to see if there is object without sharing.

The factory FlyweightFactory is included in the share mode, mainly because although the share structure required in the system is determined, the attributes of the share are different, so multiple objects need to be managed. The factory mode is used here. For details on factory patterns, see the article Go Design Patterns (7)- Factory Patterns.

2. Application scenarios

Enjoy yuan mode or there are a lot of specific use scenarios, such as a lot of network type chess and card games. Assuming that there are 100W chess games going on at the same time, the system needs to maintain 32* 100W chess objects without using the free mode. But the text, color and rules of chess remain the same, only the holders and positions change. Therefore, abstracting 32 chess objects and using them as free elements can greatly save space without increasing costs.

The meta pattern is not so much a design pattern as a design concept, mainly about the abstract ability to extract the same module for different modules to use. From this dimension, extracting the same functionality, singleton patterns, and so on from code refactoring is another privilege.

3. Code implementation

Write about chess management in a chess game.

package main

import "fmt"

/** * @author: Jason Pang * @description: Chess class, with text, color, rules, these three impermanent attributes */
type Piece struct {
   text  string
   color string
   rule  string

/** * @author: Jason Pang * @description: Pawn information * @Receiver p * @return string */
func (p *Piece) String(a) string {
   return fmt.Sprintf("%s, color %s, rule %s", p.text, p.color, p.rule)

/** * @author: Jason Pang * @description: Chess position */
type Pos struct {
   x int64
   y int64

/** * @author: Jason Pang * @description: A piece in the game */
type GamePiece struct {
   piece   *Piece // Pawn pointer
   pos     Pos    // Chess position
   ownerId int64  / / player ID
   roomId  int64  / / the room ID

/** * @author: Jason Pang * @description: Chess pieces in the game * @receiver g * @return string */
func (g *GamePiece) String(a) string {
   return fmt.Sprintf("%s position is (%d,%d)", g.piece, g.pos.x, g.pos.y)

/** * @author: Jason Pang * @description: Chess factory, containing 32 pieces of information */
type PieceFactory struct {
   pieces []*Piece

/** * @author: Jason Pang * @description: Create a chess piece. The information of the pieces is unchanged * @receiver f */
func (f *PieceFactory) CreatePieces(a) {
   f.pieces = make([]*Piece, 32)
   f.pieces[0] = &Piece{
      text:  "Soldier",
      color: "Red",
      rule:  "You can only advance one step before crossing the river, and then you can only move one step or left or right.",
   f.pieces[1] = &Piece{
      text:  "Soldier",
      color: "Black",
      rule:  "You can only advance one step before crossing the river, and then you can only move one step or left or right.",}//todo creates other pieces. Here you can create a configuration file to make it easier. A rule engine can be set up in the system to control the chess movement.

/** * @author: Jason Pang * @description: Obtain pawn information * @receiver f * @param ID * @return *Piece */
func (f *PieceFactory) GetPiece(id int64) *Piece {
   return f.pieces[id]

/** * @author: Jason Pang * @description: Initializes the board * @param roomId * @param U1 * @param u2 */
func InitBoard(roomId int64, u1 int64, u2 int64, factory *PieceFactory) {
   fmt.Printf("Create room %d, players are %d and %d \n", roomId, u1, u2)
   fmt.Println("Initialize the board")

   fmt.Printf("Player % D's pieces are \n", u1)
   piece := &GamePiece{
      piece:   factory.GetPiece(0),
      pos:     Pos{1.1},
      roomId:  roomId,
      ownerId: u1,

   fmt.Printf("Player % D's pieces are \n", u2)
   piece2 := &GamePiece{
      piece:   factory.GetPiece(1),
      pos:     Pos{16.1},
      roomId:  roomId,
      ownerId: u2,
func main(a) {
   factory := &PieceFactory{}
   InitBoard(1.66.88, factory)
Copy the code


➜ myproject go run main.go

Create room 1 for players 66 and 88

Initializing the board

Player 66’s piece is

The pawn, which is red, can only advance step by step before crossing the river, and can only advance step by step after crossing the river or move left and right is (1,1).

Player 88’s pieces are

The pawn is black and can only advance one step before crossing the river and one step after crossing the river or move left or right is (16,1).

3 summary

Enjoy yuan model fully illustrates the importance of abstraction, I hope you can use this model to optimize the system.

The last

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