Go compiler sandbox

Go language written sandbox – can run on the Web provides Go language simple editor, and compiler returns results! github : playground

Through over the wall, unfortunately, did not compile successfully, card in the package cloud.google.com/go/compute/… Unrecognized import path “cloud.google.com/go/compute/…” (https fetch: connect: connection refused)

The Sandbox-based GO guide

The Go language also has a Go Tour that runs on Google App Engine, which you can also do by executing commands

go install gotour.googlecode.com/hg/gotour
Copy the code

Install to your local machine. For Chinese readers, you can access the Chinese version of the guide, or by command

go install https://bitbucket.org/mikespook/go-tour-zh/gotour
Copy the code


The easiest way to install this tutorial is to install a binary distribution of Go and run it

	$ go tool tour
Copy the code

We got the guide. You can read it locally