At the end of November, Alibaba Group officially launched Uni Marketing, which at the time was just a methodology. One year on, while some people are still asking what global Marketing is, Uni Marketing has gone from zero to one, from methodology to real product.

More brands, including Dyson, Friso, Danone, Unilever, KFC, Pepsi, Budweiser and so on, have even participated in the co-creation of full-range operations, becoming innovators in this marketing experiment. Through the combination of methodology and practice, more replicable frameworks and systems will be built, which will eventually become inclusive global marketing solutions.

In the world network business hosted by the 2017 New network business Summit, Alibaba Group global strategy Center general manager, Ali Mother market public relations general manager Gongyi reviewed the exploration of the past year, and made a systematic summary of the “global marketing”.

“With full data as the support, give brand all media access to consumers, realize the consumer experience of omni-channel integration, so as to achieve the fine operation of the whole link between consumers and brands. “Not only does it enable sustained growth of consumer equity, but it also enables sustained growth of brands and businesses.”

The following is a keynote speech by Gong Yi, general manager of Alibaba Group Global Strategy Center and General manager of Ali Mama Market Public Relations, edited and edited by The World Online Business:

The essence of global marketing is still marketing, which has never changed. The essence of marketing is to maintain, deepen and touch the relationship between brands and consumers.

I’ve always compared the relationship to a marriage. The building of a relationship goes through several stages, and at the marketing level, it is the identification of the relationship to buy loyalty. Loyalty, however, is not necessarily just the number of purchases, but also the brand emotion, the willingness to speak for the brand.

What changes does global marketing bring to marketing?

Before that, marketing was usually the first one-off. Marketing practitioners also know that consumer management is a very simple concept, but it stays at the conceptual level. On the other hand, global marketing is to digitally manage consumer relations, analyze consumer behavior, and finally express the relationship between consumers and brands with data. This relationship can be seen, managed and operated.

But translating these concepts into instrumental products that brands can use is not easy. So over the past year, we’ve been working with brands to implement a series of product matrices, such as the brand data bank.

As the name suggests, a data bank is a container for storing all the consumer data assets associated with a brand. It can then be applied again to make the data come alive. This is the base of the overall product system and architecture of global marketing.

Over the past year, we’ve had more than 900 brands use the brand Data bank, most of them industry leaders.

The data bank currently does three main things: first, it provides diagnostic insights for brand marketing, such as how to find further marketing opportunities from existing consumer data and what can be done to increase consumer penetration. Secondly, guide brands to make marketing plans and business plans; Finally, these marketing activities will be deposited in the brand data bank in the form of data to help the continuous operation of the business.

We don’t just provide brands with media products, we want to empower brands with data, partner with agents, and become important players in the overall ecosystem. So we launched a product called the Uni Desk. It’s called the Global AD Delivery Desk. The whole region includes ali media. In addition to Taobao e-commerce platform, there are youku, UC, Autonavi, strategic partner Weibo, etc. At the same time, we will be very open to launch the whole network, to create more diversified contacts for the brand.

Today, Uni Desk has been in operation for less than half a year, and 7 4A groups have cooperated with us to serve more than 140 leading brands, including Unilever, KFC, Pepsi, Budweiser, etc.

In addition, we also launched the brand number to become the fan operation position of tao platform. It’s not an end in itself, it’s a starting point. From there, we need to continue to build our fans and personalize them to become not only buyers of the brand, but also loyal fans of the brand through fine-grained insight and matching of people, touch points and content. At the same time, the operation will voice online and offline, to achieve the mutual diversion of the whole channel.

A real case in point is Dyson, which wants to expand beyond hair dryers. Therefore, it has done several things: first, by leveraging its brand name to attract fans, it created DYSON Ideal Life Day by itself. In September and October this year, it launched a lot of advertising with Uni Desk to attract fans with continuous brand advertising, and carried out fan operation to carry out the first round of “harvest”. Next, after accumulating more consumer insights, we will continue to warm up before Double 11 and launch the whole network to attract consumers and potential consumers to Tao, guide them to pay attention to the brand number, and then gradually operate the relationship; Finally, the sales harvest will be realized during Double 11.

All operations will be deposited into the brand data bank through data for full analysis and insight, and then do secondary marketing.

The most interesting thing I saw in the Dyson case was the transformation of “Design Who” into “Real Who”. What is “Design who”? In the past, we might have known who the users were, but not how to find them, how to relate to them, how to communicate with them. But now through Uni Marketing, Uni Desk, Dyson knows.

What makes it Real Who is that data becomes a truly visible and analyzable consumer. Take the degree of consumer interest as an example. The vertical axis is the consumption power of consumers, and the horizontal axis is the degree of consumer interest. The circle represents the data size. Then, brands can develop different marketing strategies for different groups of people.

After that, Dyson attracts them to the brand name, maintains continuous communication, further subdivides the group, realizes thousands of faces through personalized content operation, drives the precise transformation of consumption and deepens the relationship. According to the data, one out of every three brand subscribers buys dyson products.

Most interestingly, we invented a horizontal measurement system called consumer assets. After November 11, dyson’s accumulated brand consumer assets more than doubled.

This is based on previous pain points. First of all, whether it is media launch or offline activities, the most difficult thing to measure in brand marketing events is the marketing effect, which is a very technical numerical measure. Secondly, the evaluation system of marketers always starts with the brand, such as brand market share, brand awareness, brand penetration rate, etc. Why not really measure the potential of the brand with consumers?

Simply put, it is the digital result of the number of customers in the brand data bank, multiplied by the conversion rate and the ability of consumers to deepen their relationship with the brand.

In addition to this number, we offer three kinds of comparisons: the first is a temporal comparison, where the brand can look at different times, the fluctuation of your consumer equity, and determine what is right and wrong; The second is the comparison with the industry. We will give the average value of the industry to judge the position of the brand. The third is the comparison of the whole market to help brands analyze their competitive advantages in the market, and then make improvements.

The final transaction amount of this year’s Tmall Double 11 is 168.2 billion yuan. The data is very exciting, but for brand marketers, what I see is consumer assets, which is the biggest gain for brands.

A brand can find its potential customers. Taking 73 maternal and child brands as an example, the average number of consumers on Double 11 increased by 8.1 million, with the highest brand increasing by 59 million. Only 20 million babies are born in China a year. As for a mother and baby brand, I found such potential consumers through Uni Marketing and kept communicating with them for continuous operation.

After identifying potential customers, we also see conversion. Let’s look at another category, cell phones. In this category, we look at consumer conversion rates. The average conversion rate for the seven mobile brands was 71.5%, meaning that three out of four consumers had a relationship with the brand. It doesn’t have to be a purchase, but it can be a deepening of the relationship from recognition to interest, from interest to purchase, or from purchase to loyalty.

And then we look at total consumer equity. As an overall measure of consumer equity, we looked at the performance of 16 beauty brands on Singles day. Their average increase in consumer assets was $870 million, which is an average. I’m not talking about numbers here, but numbers to show how many industry leaders are starting to use Uni Marketing to optimize their full link Marketing. What they see is visible, sustainable consumers, and that’s what matters. Singles Day is not just a day of sales, but the accumulated customers and consumer assets can be truly acquired by brands in the next 364 days of operation.

Having said that, LET me summarize what global marketing is all about. In fact, global marketing is supported by full data. We will give brand all media the ability to reach consumers with thousands of contents, and then realize a consumer experience integrated in all channels, so as to achieve the fine operation of the whole link between consumers and brands. So it’s global marketing. It not only enables sustained growth of consumer equity, but also helps brands and businesses to achieve sustained growth.

The original post was published on December 18, 2017

Author: Sun Shanshan

This article is from the cloud community partner “Tianxia Network”. For relevant information, you can follow the wechat public account of “Tianxia Network”