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Life has a goal, direction, can have power.

The same is true for programmers. Only by planning his career can a programmer realize his value better.

If one of these situations happens to you as a programmer, you might want to consider quitting your job for the better.

You’ve worked hard until now and are good enough for a higher position, but you haven’t been able to get promoted.

Your boss hasn’t done any actual programming in 20 years, he’s new to a lot of things, and he’s always asking for worthless tasks.

Your boss has no idea what you’re talking about, and working for him is not going to make your skills better.

Your boss will review the work you’ve just done, suddenly come up with a new, unrealistic idea, and demand that you redevelop it according to his new idea, wasting a lot of your time doing nothing.

Your boss didn’t take the market into account when he selected the project, and the software you created based on his vision will be used by only a small number of users, which will cost you more than you deserve.

The workplace environment is not great, and your time is spent on office networking rather than developing new products, putting the cart before the horse.

Start testing just a few minutes before deployment. In such a short period of time, you can not find all the problems of the software, which greatly reduces the function of the software and the number of users.

You have to record all your work in a work log, it’s a waste of time.

As the software release date nears, everything needs to be done as quickly as possible, but your boss is irrelevant, laid-back and not taking the lead.

It affects the rest of the staff in your company, loosens everyone off, and seriously affects the efficiency of the company.

The computer you’re using is so outdated and poorly equipped that your productivity is low, but your company won’t fix it, and you’re wasting more than half of your day waiting for it to boot up.

The computer equipment was so bad that it created problems that shouldn’t have arisen. This keeps you dealing with stupid, nutrient-poor problems that greatly reduce your productivity.

Every time you solve a problem, you find that it leads to more problems. It makes you feel like you don’t know where to start.

When you are working on a problem, your project manager will always come to you, interrupt you, talk to you about unimportant problems, and assign you various tasks.

When you’re on call, everything goes wrong and everything needs to be fixed. As if you were the only one in the company, you wondered what everyone else was doing.

You can only handle and deploy your work during off-peak hours, which leaves you working all weekend nights and no time off, which may not be the life you had hoped for.

You don’t understand why there are so many senior positions, it feels like a lot of people are paddling water and few are really working. People who work really hard are not valued.

You thought it would be a creative job that would give full play to your expansive thinking. But then you realize that all you’ve ever done is help someone else complete a mission, fulfill someone else’s dream.

You feel like a machine, unable to decide what you want to do, without respect or advice.

The company employs a lot of project managers who email you assignments all day long. You know you’re swamped, but you can’t help it.

Your manager is always rolling out new adjustments or issuing “urgent” requests on Friday afternoons. This makes you work overtime and hard on the weekend, really tired.

Every day at noon you have urgent things to do and don’t have time to have lunch. Make diet irregular thereby, the body becomes poor.

You have very little free time throughout the day, not enough time to read a post, let alone refresh yourself.

Many of these signs may be small things at work, but they affect your quality of life, productivity and career development every day.

So, when these phenomena occur, you may want to consider a career change.

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