GitHub, the Japanese software development platform, has suffered a major outage that has left many developers scratching their heads.

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GitHub global meltdown: Millions of developers go offline; Homegrown Github is a strong voice

The GitHub problem started at 04:06 UTC (03:06 BST) and was resolved at 09:31 BST.

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GitHub global meltdown: Millions of developers go offline; Homegrown Github is a strong voice

The incident raises new questions about GitHub’s reliability after three separate outages in April 2020.

GitHub blamed the three outages in April on:

  • A software load balancing system misconfiguration broke the internal routing of traffic between applications serving and their dependent internal services;
  • A database connection configuration error related to ongoing data partitioning “resulted in an unexpected entry into production”;
  • The network configuration was “inadvertently applied to our production network”.

GitHub admitted in April that it had problems with its simulated lab environment.

“The simulated environment builds databases and database connections differently than the production environment,” the company said. This can limit the testability of connection changes that are unique to production environments. We will address that in the next few months.”

Most of GitHub’s platforms run on its own bare-metal infrastructure, while the network infrastructure is “built around a Clos network topology, where each network device shares routing over the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).”

GitHub was acquired by Microsoft for $7.5 billion in 2018 and is used by more than 50 million developers. Given the workloads it supports and the wide reliance it has on the outside world to ensure high availability, a massive failure like this can have serious implications.

Like many other large infrastructure providers, GitHub’s owner, Microsoft, is facing the challenge of rapidly scaling up its data center infrastructure as workloads proliferate due to a surge in remote workers following the COVID-19 pandemic. Microsoft acknowledged in April that it was facing supply chain issues in the wake of the pandemic.

A netizen named Shijin1 reported that Microsoft had responded to a customer’s inquiry and explained why Github crashed. In the email, Microsoft customer service said that after their investigation, they found that due to the impact of the outbreak, Microsoft Github servers have been stolen.

At present Microsoft is trying to recover the stolen server, hope to be able to recover the stolen server and data.

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Email authenticity is not 100% sure, Microsoft also did not mention the specific is where the server was stolen, but it feels like steal the server it is unlikely, usually have multiple backup data center server, professional disaster is different design, even stolen off the server, what data should be not be affected.

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