Hi, I’m Rocky0429, a konjak who’s been hanging out on GitHub lately…

It’s a shame that even though I’ve known about GitHub for a long time, I learned to hang out at GitHub very late. At that time, on the one hand, it was because of the food, it was uncomfortable to look at the English stuff, and I didn’t know how to play. On the other hand, I was doing ACM all the time, and I didn’t do some engineering projects, so I took it for granted that it had nothing to do with GitHub (of course, this idea is wrong).

Later, I spent a week reading the basic knowledge of Python and wanted to look for some projects to see, learn and practice. At this time, I really got to know GitHub and started wandering around GitHub. At the beginning, the problem was that I didn’t know which projects were new to me at that time. Which items are good, which items are fun and valuable.

I’m pretty smooth on GitHub now, but I thought I could have saved myself a lot more time with fewer detours if I had a way to collect newbie friendly stuff.

So is there such a thing?

Yes, and have been for more than three years, this is HelloGitHub, a fun, entry-level open source project for sharing GitHub.

GitHub: github.com/521xueweiha…

In the project, the content will be updated and published monthly on the 28th of each month, which is mainly aimed at people who are new to programming, who love programming and are interested in the open source community. The updates include: popular projects in various languages, entry-level projects, better life tools, books, learning notes, enterprise-level projects, etc.

All of these projects have some characteristics in common: they are cool, easy to use projects, and the charm and ease of programming is that simple.

GitHub: github.com/521xueweiha…

Let’s take a look at what this project involves, using the latest monthly issue (Issue 43) as an example.

0 x00 profile

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Let’s look at one of each type of project.

C program

Tmux: A terminal reuse tool that can greatly improve work efficiency. Provides a robust, easy-to-use command line interface; The window can be split horizontally and vertically; Panes can be moved and resized freely, or directly take advantage of one of the four preset layouts; Copy and paste in multiple buffers; Interactive menus to select Windows, sessions, and clients; And so on.

C # project

BenchmarkDotNet: powerful.net library for benchmarking.

C + + project

Dbg-macro: logging is an essential debug method in C++ development. Dbg-macro is inspired by DBG in rust-lang and provides better macro functions than printf and STD ::cout. The main features are as follows: beautiful color output (when the output is not interactive terminal, color is automatically disabled); Compatible with C++11 and header-only; Support for output of base and STL container types; In addition to the basic information, output the variable name and type; Enable DBG_MACRO_DISABLE to generate release versions.

#include <vector>
#include <dbg.h>

// You can use "dbg(..) " in expressions:
int factorial(int n) {
  if (dbg(n <= 1)) {
    return dbg(1);
  } else {
    return dbg(n * factorial(n - 1));

int main() {
  std::string message = "hello";
  dbg(message);  // [example.cpp:15 (main)] message = "hello" (std::string)
  const int a = 2;
  const int b = dbg(3 * a) + 1;  // [example.cpp:18 (main)] 3 * a = 6 (int)
  std::vector<int> numbers{b, 13, 42};
  dbg(numbers);  // [example.cpp:21 (main)] numbers = {7, 13, 42} (size: 3) (std::vector<int>)
  dbg("this line is executed");  // [example.cpp:23 (main)] this line is executed
  return 0;
Copy the code

Go project

Go-admin: Data visualization and management platform based on Golang language. Features are as follows: 🚀 High productivity: do a nice management background within 10 minutes;

🎨 theme: default is Adminlte, more beautiful theme is being made, welcome to leave a message to us;

🔢 plug-in: provide plug-in use, real implementation of a plug-in can not solve the problem, then two;

✅ certification: out of the box RBAC certification system;

⚙️ Framework support: Support for most frameworks, making it easier for you to get started and extend.

Java project

Eladmin: A background management system based on Spring Boot 2.1.0 and Vue’s separation of front and back ends, which supports data dictionary and data permission management, one-key generation of front and back end code, dynamic routing of front end menu, etc. Based on Spring Boot2.1.0 framework, technology stack involved: non-relational database Redis, interface test tool Swagger, Druid data source driver, Mail dependency (Javax.mail), three-party payment and cloud storage SDK, page template engine Freemarker. Technology stack is rich, beginners can learn and use as a practical project.


Chart-race-react: An easy to use Bar Chart Race react component. Example code:

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import BarChart from 'chart-race-react';

ReactDOM.render(<BarChart />, document.getElementById('root'));

Copy the code

Python project

TagUI-Python: a library for Python automation. For example: automatically open a web page and screenshot, sample code:

Copy the code

Ruby project

Shift: an online MySQL database migration tool written in Ruby.

Swift project

Percent: Make Swift language support percentage types, eliminating the worry of missing precision. Example code:

The import Percent 10% + 5.5% / / / / / 2 = = > 15.5% - 10% > 5%Copy the code


Cascadia-code: Microsoft open source set of uniform width fonts, the interesting thing is that you can combine characters to create new glyphs. The combined effect is as follows:

Open source books

Python_ebook: A collection of ebook resources related to Python programming.

Cosmic Python is a book on how to manage complex Pythonic application structures.

The tutorial

BigData-Notes: introduction to BigData, this tutorial introduces the basics and core knowledge of the common BigData technology stack. The content covers Hadoop, Spark, Storm, HBase, Hive, ZooKeeper, and Kafka.

Machine learning

Dimensionality_reduction_alo_codes: This project implements 11 classic data extraction (data dimension reduction) algorithms in Python. At the same time with relevant information, display effect, suitable for machine learning beginners and just into the pit of data mining partners.

We write 0x03 after that

I hope that more people can know about the HelloGitHub project. The content is already here, everything is ready, but the lack of your motivation and support for the author Star.

Let the developers on the open source road no longer alone, let the people who want to enter the open source world no longer fear.

Learned something from watching it? Click to see, let more people can see ~ thanks!

That’s all for today’s share

❤️ after reading something? I hope you love to learn, don’t be stingy with triple hit yo

❤️ you can follow my original public account: “Python space”, more quality technical articles will be updated as soon as possible. Finally, I will send you a new couple gift package. Follow the wechat public account and reply “Nugget” in the background.

The author Info:

【作者】 : Rocky0429

[Original public account] : Python space.

[Profile] : CSDN blog expert, 985 computer graduate student, ACM retired dog & Asian regional silver medal paddler. This is a adhere to the original technical public account, every day adhere to push a variety of Python basic/advanced articles, data analysis, real crawler, data structure and algorithm, irregular sharing of all kinds of resources.

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