Machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, etc. (Source: Zhihu of Yizhen)

Author: Yizhen \

Github offers thousands of star data processing posts, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing.

**1. ** Information umbrella

The data mainly includes the following contents, basically covering all the data required by the current algorithm position.


Whether it is the most popular machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, such as the direction, is the most rare and programming language, mathematics that a few people interview preparation is easy to ignore the place, as far as I know, the big interview, is often easy to the probability of some math problems, and the basic computer language problem, if you don’t answer, it is easy to cause bad effect. \

**2. ** Data repO overview


**3. ** Data reveal,

Information for the Natural Language Processing section:


We can see that the author has sorted out the most common NLP basics, natural language processing basics, sentence embedding, word vectors and other topics, which are essential to master, but there are also some basic sequence-labeling, sequence2sequence, You also need to master the attention mechanic. \

**4. ** Recommended reading

The author concludes with his own recommended readings, which you can check out at your leisure. \


**5. ** Github address \

The warehouse address is:…

**6. ** Author profile

Yizhen, PhD, Harbin Institute of Technology, is an outstanding author of natural language processing

Personal wechat: Qinlibo20133868. [Add notes from Zhihu and remarks] Personal public account [Machine learning Algorithm and Natural Language Processing][YizhenNotes]

Zhihu: \…

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Machine learning beginners \

QQ group: 727137612

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Past wonderful review \

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  • The encyclopaedia of Machine learning introduction – A collection of articles from the “Beginner machine Learning” public account in 2018