This article is about 650 words and takes about 2 minutes to read

One resource to share this week is a deep learning summary from Github, which has more than 8,000 stars, as shown in the picture below:

Its Github address is:


It currently has 16 chapters, including fundamentals of mathematics, machine learning, deep learning, CNN, RNN, computer vision, etc., and the latest addition, NLP, is a summary of knowledge in natural language processing, as shown in the figure below:

Each chapter contains a number of questions. Here is a partial table of contents for some of the chapters:

Examples of specific answers to each question are as follows:

So it currently has 8,446 stars, and Fork has 2,148. This is a new entry or entry, and continue to advance the knowledge of the tutorial.

Therefore, if you want to get into machine learning or make up for the missing of machine learning, you can go to Github to download the address:


In addition, you can also get this learning material in my public account “background reply **”1104″ **”, note only for reference learning, do not do commercial use!

Welcome to follow my wechat official account – Machine Learning and Computer Vision or scan the QR code below, and share your suggestions and opinions with me, correct the possible mistakes in the article, and communicate with us, learn and make progress!

Phase to select

1. Introduction to Machine Learning (1)

2. Introduction to Machine Learning (2)

3. Getting to know GAN for the first time

4. GAN Learning Series 2: The Origin of GAN

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