Three. Js is an open source framework based on WebGL. It was first released by Ricardo Cabello on GitHub in April 2010 and currently has 76.8K stars on GitHub.

Threejs encapsulates WebGL and makes it easy for front-end developers to do Web 3D development without a lot of math and graphics knowledge, lowering barriers and increasing efficiency.

You don’t even have to know computer graphics, just understand some basic concepts of Three.js to get started with cool 3D development from zero to one!

Ricardo Cabello, author of Three. Js, is also a legendary programmer — a former designer who taught himself graphic programming in his spare time, At the same time, he has contributed excellent open source frameworks including webGL-based 3D engine Three.js, JS performance monitoring tool stats. js, texture generation tool Texgen.js, among which Three.js has become the preferred solution for building 3D projects/visualizations at the current front-end.

In this issue of rare Earth Gold digging & Bytedance Web Infra’s “Big Guy Face to Face”, Ricardo Cabello, author of Three.js, is honored to have an online interview with us to talk about the interesting things behind the Three.js framework and how to build the open source framework. As well as front-end development concerns about all kinds of classic topics, we can seize the front row, strong onlookers!

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