Original intention: Develop UI component library, including applet side, React and vue, how to manage unified tool functions, styles and common configuration? (Each end is a separate package)
Pain point: Multiple copies of the same code? Cons: Adding a style or changing a style can be painful.

Git handling: Use git subModule

React, Vue, and applets are all different packages; Utility functions, some common style files are a package.
Benefits: When the utility functions need to be updated, the public configuration can be directly changed to the public package, no need for multiple copies.
You can manage these projects in Git using submodules that allow you to treat one Git repository as a subdirectory of another Git repository. This allows you to clone another repository into your project and keep your commit relatively independent.
Add submodules. Clone the common code base to the target folder
Git subModule add Git address Target folderCopy the code
Viewing submodules
git submodule
Copy the code
Update submodules
$ git submodule update
Copy the code
** Clone the project that contains submodules **
1. Clone parent project
$git clone Git targetCopy the code
2. Initialize the submodule
$ git submodule init
Copy the code
3. Update submodules
$ git submodule update
Copy the code
Direct recursive cloning of the entire project (** One-step method **)
Git clone Git target --recursiveCopy the code

Simple record of the basic use, specific use can be searched haha ^-^ ^-^