How do YOU merge a branch with Master Revert?

Delete a new branch locally from the new master and push the feat branch to cherry pick the previously reverted commit. Delete the branch that was previously revert

  • Why cherry pick from a branch of a new master is empty? Because these previous commits were merged

Git pull — After rebase, there are endless repeated Confilicts

1. Delete rebase. The modification is displayed on the left

  • Gl — The difference between Rebase GL

1. Git pull — Rebase is used when merging code to handle conflicts on a randomly created branch without directly contaminating the original partition. 2. Rebase does not generate new nodes. Merge git path is a jump, if the version rollback you want to find the version you want?

Problem three: Direct copy file pit

If you merge a new branch, the new branch is not in sync with the new branch. If you merge a new branch, the new branch is not in sync with the new branch. If you merge a new branch, the new branch is in sync with the new branch.