Git listing

Rimraf node_modules Deletes the node-module

Git stash staging

Git clone

Git status Views code change files

Git pull code

Git add adds code

Git commit Commits code

Git checkout switches branches

Git branch Displays branches

Git merge dev merges the dev code into the main branch

Git checkout (filename) restores the deleted filename

Git branch — set-upgrade-to =origin/master Master establishes an association between a local branch and a remote branch

Git reset –soft HEAD~1 Resets the commit

Git pull code operation flow:

1. From the remote warehouse code cloning git clone [email protected]: wangfeichao/business_vue_front - git 2 check your modify the code snippet git status 3 git put code to the staging area / 7 Commit the code snippet git commit -m "git finish" 8 Push the code snippet git  pushCopy the code

Git merge dev branch into master branch

$git branch -- a $git branch -- a $git branch -- a $git branch $git push = $git push = $git push = $git push = $git pull = $git pull = $git pull = $git pull = $git pull = $git pull = $git pull = $git pull = $git pull = $git pull = $git pullCopy the code