View file status:

Git status // Check file statusCopy the code

Local Stash related directives:

Git stash save "" // stash pop stash@{} // restore and delete record git stash apply stash@{} // Restore not delete record git stash drop stash@{} Git stash show stash@{} -pCopy the code

Restore commit directives:

Git reset HEAD <filename> // Cancel uploading a file git reset HEAD^ Git add. => git commit -m "" => Git push -f // rollback to the specified version, Git add. => git commit -m "" => git push back to the specified version. References after the specified version are retainedCopy the code

Submit relevant instructions:

Git add. Git commit -m "" Git push origin :refs/for/ remote branch or git push origin :refs/for/ remote branchCopy the code

Pull branch related instructions:

Git checkout branch // Switch to the branch. Git merge master // Merge trunk to branchCopy the code

Branch related instructions:

Git branch // create branch git branch // create branch git branch Git branch -d git branch -d git branch -d git branchCopy the code