This article is a combination of the more detailed blogger’s article I wrote online and the steps of my version now, so sometimes the file name may change, there are more than one folder, we mainly focus on the steps. Welcome to communicate
1: Download the Git version control tool

Click the right mouse button in any place after the installation is successful

Then install TortoiseGit

After installation is complete, click the right mouse button anywhere to appear
The installation is successful.

2: After the installation is successful, the following is the procedure

First of all, click Mr. PuTTYgen marked in the red line in the next picture to create a key: I’m win10, you can directly find T in Win, the use of key is to copy to github page to add an SSH key

Type T to get the following view, select file location

Open the file after entering it

Click Generate Generate key

After clicking, the effect will be this, do not care about the other, our current version, do not want to wait too long, you can move the mouse on the progress bar up and down, the position on the progress bar, so that dozens of seconds of success

Continue to use the previous, first create a new text document copy the above content I circled in red and then click the Save private Key button (it will automatically pop up the box to Save the file, choose the file name at the end of PPK).

Save PPK file popbox

Two files: TXT ==> box copy over, PPK is directly click save private key

TortoiseGit, TortoiseGit, TortoiseGit

I use Github, some people say it’s ok, just to be safe, you know

Now log in to GitHub and click Settings to add SSH keys

The Settings screen is displayed

Create a new SSH key and start saving the TXT content by copying it over

Click the Add SSH Key button to go to the next page

Create a new library on Github for the files we will upload soon

Note when creating a new one:

Copy the address of the new library and use it to upload:

GitHub has been configured, and then we will explain how to set up the TortoiseGit on your computer and upload the code to GitHub
Pictured above,
This step is optional

Screenshot pictures too much, after detailed address:

Reference article Address:… It’s a little old, but it’s detailed… The last few steps and our current software can follow