
This is the 8th day of my participation in the Challenge. Hi, I am The composer Zhong Yang. In the last article, we learned about Redis access and the development of graphic Captcha interface

1. Introduction

I learned about middleware in the Zap logging Management section and wrote a logging middleware that logs HTTP exceptions

Here are a few articles that speak very well:

Go Web Lightweight Framework Gin Learning Series: Details on Middleware usage

Gin Framework Series 03: Understanding Middleware in a different way

Middleware icon: My understanding of middleware:

1. Similar to koA’s Onion model, Djangos hook function, front-end life cycle

2. Do some logic before or after requesting an interface

Middleware several keywords:

1. C.ext () goes to the next middleware

1. C. aport () interrupts middleware (return cannot interrupt middleware calls)

2. JWT is introduced

JWT’s official website: JWT library = JWT library = JWT

 go get
Copy the code

JSON Web Token consists of three parts, separated by dots (.). The connection. The three parts are:

  • Header
  • Payload
  • Signature

(2) Stateless and scalable: Tokens are stored on the client. Completely stateless and extensible. Our load balancer can pass users to any server because there is no state or session information anywhere. Security: Tokens are sent on every request. Also, since no cookies are sent, it helps prevent CSRF attacks. Even if you store tokens in a client Cookie in your implementation, the Cookie is a storage mechanism, not an authentication mechanism. There is no session-based information to operate on because we have no sessions!

Agreement with the front end:

  1. When a login request is made, the backend passes the token to the front-end,Front-end save token
  2. The front end adds a key to the HTTP request headerX-token request headerAnd the value for the token

2. JWT middleware development

(1). Add the token configuration

2.1.1 Add it to settings-dev.yaml to generate the address of the key

  key: "EYsnfKMf5XWk87LASEs28Dj5ZqGkSerH"
Copy the code

2.1.2 Add the configured struct in config/config.go

(2). Remove the forms/user. Go the PasswordLoginForm. Mobile custom validation in the tag in the UserName

Ps: Verify that username must be a mobile phone number

(3). Write JWT middleware and related code

3.2.1 Write in Middlewares/JWT (while copying, please read the comments and code logic ~)

package middlewares
import (

type CustomClaims struct {
	ID          uint   //
	NickName    string //
	AuthorityId uint   //

func JWTAuth(a) gin.HandlerFunc {
	return func(c *gin.Context) {
		In this case, the front-end needs to store the token in the cookie or local localSstorage. However, the expiration time needs to be negotiated with the back-end to renew the token or re-log in
		token := c.Request.Header.Get("x-token")
		if token == "" {
			Response.Err(c, http.StatusUnauthorized, 401."Please log in"."")
		j := NewJWT()
		// parseToken Parses the information contained in the token
		claims, err := j.ParseToken(token)
		iferr ! =nil {
			if err == TokenExpired {
				if err == TokenExpired {
					Response.Err(c, http.StatusUnauthorized, 401."Authorization has expired."."")
			Response.Err(c, http.StatusUnauthorized, 401."No landing"."")
		// Gin's context records claims and userId values
		c.Set("claims", claims)
		c.Set("userId", claims.ID)

type JWT struct {
	SigningKey []byte

var (
	TokenExpired     = errors.New("Token is expired")
	TokenNotValidYet = errors.New("Token not active yet")
	TokenMalformed   = errors.New("That's not even a token")
	TokenInvalid     = errors.New("Couldn't handle this token:"))func NewJWT(a) *JWT {
	return &JWT{

// Create a token
func (j *JWT) CreateToken(claims CustomClaims) (string, error) {
	token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, claims)
	return token.SignedString(j.SigningKey)

/ / token
func (j *JWT) ParseToken(tokenString string) (*CustomClaims, error) {
	token, err := jwt.ParseWithClaims(tokenString, &CustomClaims{}, func(token *jwt.Token) (i interface{}, e error) {
		return j.SigningKey, nil
	iferr ! =nil {
		if ve, ok := err.(*jwt.ValidationError); ok {
			ifve.Errors&jwt.ValidationErrorMalformed ! =0 {
				return nil, TokenMalformed
			} else ifve.Errors&jwt.ValidationErrorExpired ! =0 {
				// Token is expired
				return nil, TokenExpired
			} else ifve.Errors&jwt.ValidationErrorNotValidYet ! =0 {
				return nil, TokenNotValidYet
			} else {
				return nil, TokenInvalid
	iftoken ! =nil {
		if claims, ok := token.Claims.(*CustomClaims); ok && token.Valid {
			return claims, nil
		return nil, TokenInvalid

	} else {
		return nil, TokenInvalid



/ / update the token
func (j *JWT) RefreshToken(tokenString string) (string, error) {
	jwt.TimeFunc = func(a) time.Time {
		return time.Unix(0.0)
	token, err := jwt.ParseWithClaims(tokenString, &CustomClaims{}, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
		return j.SigningKey, nil
	iferr ! =nil {
		return "", err
	if claims, ok := token.Claims.(*CustomClaims); ok && token.Valid {
		jwt.TimeFunc = time.Now
		claims.StandardClaims.ExpiresAt = time.Now().Add(1 * time.Hour).Unix()
		return j.CreateToken(*claims)
	return "", TokenInvalid
Copy the code

3.2.2. Add createToken function in utils/createToken.go

package utils

import (

func CreateToken(c *gin.Context, Id int, NickName string, Role int) string {
	// Generate token information
	j := middlewares.NewJWT()
	claims := middlewares.CustomClaims{
		ID:          uint(Id),
		NickName:    NickName,
		AuthorityId: uint(Role),
		StandardClaims: jwt.StandardClaims{
			NotBefore: time.Now().Unix(),
			// TODO Sets the token expiration time
			ExpiresAt: time.Now().Unix() + 60*60*24*30.// Token --> expires in 30 days
			Issuer:    "test",}}/ / token is generated
	token, err := j.CreateToken(claims)
	iferr ! =nil {
		Response.Success(c, 401."Token generation failed, try again"."test")
		return ""
	return token
Copy the code

4. Improve the login interface

(1) Add the UsernameFindUserInfo function in dao/ Userdao.go

var user models.User
// UsernameFindUserInfo Finds user information through username
func FindUserInfo(username string, password string) (*models.User, bool) {
	// Query the user
	rows := global.DB.Where(&models.User{NickName: username, Password: password}).Find(&user)
	if rows.RowsAffected < 1 {
		return &user, false
	return &user, true
Copy the code

(2) Rewrite the PasswordLogin logic in controller/user.go

Ps: Check whether the user exists through username, and return the user information

A few points to note:

1. The verification of the graph verification code is temporarily blocked

2.HandleUserModelToMap (controller/user. Go) code is

func HandleUserModelToMap(user *models.User) map[string]interface{} {
  birthday := ""
  if user.Birthday == nil {
  	birthday = ""
  } else {
  	birthday = user.Birthday.Format("2006-01-02")
  userItemMap := map[string]interface{} {"id":        user.ID,
  	"nick_name": user.NickName,
  	"head_url":  user.HeadUrl,
  	"birthday":  birthday,
  	"address":   user.Address,
  	"desc":      user.Desc,
  	"gender":    user.Gender,
  	"role":      user.Role,
  	"mobile":    user.Mobile,
  return userItemMap
Copy the code

3. Test JWT middleware and login interface tests

(1). Login interface test

Postman open: Ps: The token information is correctly returned during login

(2). Test JWT middleware validation

Add JWT middleware validation to router/user.go:Ps: Middleware is indeed in the middle 🤪🤪🤪

Test userList interface result:

Postman open: Ps: you can test the successful request after the token is added

At this point, the middleware of JWT is added successfully. Continue to develop other middleware.

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